Outside of the Law

433 26 10

{Later That Day}

Steve Rogers stood in the garage with Sam. Bucky was sitting, looking down at his hands. He had just explained to them about how a man posing as the psychiatrist activated his Winter Soldier mode and caused him to escape custody. That same man framed Bucky for the bombing in Vienna. He also explains how in Siberia, there are other Winter Soldiers in a cryogenic stasis waiting to be activated. He assumes the man is trying to get to them.

Sam walks up to Steve.

Sam: This would've been a lot easier a week ago.

Steve: If we call Tony—

Sam: No, he won't believe us.

Steve: Even if he did—

Sam: Who knows if the Accords would let him help.

Steve starts to think. Everybody he knows are either in some form of custody or on the side of the Accords.

Steve: We're on our own.

You: Not quite.

Steve and Sam turn around, and see you by the garage door in civilian clothes. You wear a cap. The two are surprised to see you.

Steve: Y/N...how did you find us?

Sam: You come to arrest us, web-head?

You: Nice to see you too, Sam.

You sigh and put your hands in your coat pockets.

You: I'm not here to take you in. I'm here to help.

Steve: Why?

You: You were right, Cap. You both were. I made a mistake. These Accords aren't benefiting anybody. They're more so restricting us.

You continue speaking as they listen. You look over at Bucky.

You: I was eavesdropping, hope you don't mind. The man who activated Bucky is dangerous, and if there's more like him out there...we have to stop him before can reach them too.

Sam nods and smirks.

Sam: Can you say that again? How I was right?

You chuckle.

You: Shut up.

Steve: So it's the four of us then.

You shrug, for now you four are what's left. Sam starts to think as he crosses his arms.

Sam: Maybe not.

You and Steve look at Sam.

Sam: I know a guy.

• •

{Later That Day}

Tony knew what you were going to do. He also saw the news story of how Spider-Man came into Rykers and brutalized Philip Fisk.

If you weren't going to side with him and the Accords, you were going to join Steve and Sam. Tony was disappointed. He felt slighted. One of his closest friends now sided with the opposition, who was also a close friend.

Two men who are like brothers are now against him.

Thaddeus Ross gave Tony 36 hours to apprehend you, Steve, Sam, and Bucky. Andrea told him that T'Challa would join them in finding the four and asked who's Tony's help. Tony told her he knew somebody that can help them.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang