I'll Have That Drink Now

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Captain America laid out a plan. He wanted to close the portal before things became too much to handle. He wanted eyes on everything, and every stray Chitauri dealt with.

Tony and Daryl were in charge of the perimeter. Thor was in charge of bottlenecking the portal and slowing the invaders down. You, Steve, and Andrea were in charge of dealing with the aliens on the ground, keeping the fighting there. For Hulk, all he had to do was smash.

An alien charges but you react and flip over it. You shoot a web at its back and pull it down. You stomp on its head, cracking its skull and putting it down for good. Once again, they weren't human, so anything goes.

Your spider sense goes off, and you quickly do a spinning back kick at the alien about to stab you. It goes flying back back, and you shoot an electric web at it while on the ground. You steal its spear with a web-line while it's down, and leap towards it afterwards. You stab into the alien's chest and kill it.

Nearby, Andrea had finished defeating an alien herself. Steve jumps in and checks on his fellow Avengers. Andrea leans against the hood of a car and pants.

Andrea: Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal.

The three heroes look up.

Steve: Our biggest guns couldn't touch it.

You look at the Chitauri spear Andrea is holding. You get an idea. Maybe it's just Earthly weapons that can't get it done.

You: Well, maybe it's not about guns.

Steve and Andrea get an idea of what you're referring to.

Steve: If you want to get up there...

You chuckle.

You: Please, Cap. I'm Spider-Man. I have a way.


You swing up and start web-slinging towards Stark Tower. You don't expect a smooth trip there, and that expectation is proven when aliens on gliders start shooting lasers at you. It kind of reminded you of your encounter with both Norman and Louis.

You: Hey...you guys aren't Goblins!

You run along the side of a building and leap off of it, landing on one of their gliders. You hit the back of an alien's head, and throw him off the glider.

You: Thanks!

You start piloting it yourself.

You: Always wondered how it felt to ride things like these.

Suddenly, more lasers start shooting at you. Loki is on his own glider behind you, trying to blast you out of the sky. You speak into your comms.

You: Hawkeye! A little help?

Daryl: What are you doing, kid?

You: Hero stuff! Can you shake him off me?

In the distance, Daryl is perched up on a rooftop. He sees you on the glider behind chased by Loki and his army. He smirks.

Daryl: I got him.

He shoots an arrow that travels through the sky. It's about to hit Loki, but he grabs it in mid-air before it can impale him. He smiles.

But it suddenly beeps and explodes.

Loki's glider is destroyed and Loki flies off of it. He lands on the platform at Stark Tower, where he stood before.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now