Second Chances

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{A Few Days Later}

You finish webbing up the criminal to a wall near his other partners. The Black Cat paces in front of them, smirking.

You: Now, be good folks and stay here while the lady and I go grab a bite.

Violet: Sandwiches?

You: I was thinking pizza.

Violet: You always think pizza.

You: It's always pizza time.

The criminals grunt under the webbing. You and Violet leave the area, and end up getting hot-dogs from a stand nearby. You sit on the ledge of a rooftop and eat.

Violet: Taking them down is pretty easy now...well I guess since half the world is gone.

You sarcastically reply.

You: Really? I haven't noticed.

Violet: Okay, asshole.

You chuckle.

You: Ever since Fisk was dusted, his men outside dispersed. With no main honcho, they're just headless chickens.

Violet: Even if he wasn't dead, I don't think they'd be that active. You scared him shitless after you kicked his ass in prison.

You nod as you remember that time.

Violet: Wish I could've been there to see it.

You take another bite of your hot-dog.

You: Well, good. He was dead in the figurative sense, now he's dead in the literal.

Violet nodded.

Violet: How are things in the personal life?

You: As good as it can be. Family's good. Friends...

Violet: Louis?

You sigh, remembering how your best friend lost his wife Alicia and his infant boy...who was also your godson.

You: He lost his family. After selling Oscorp, he just lives by himself. That last I talked to him was a few weeks ago.

Violet: ...damn.

You: Everyone I know lost someone. Everybody grieved and mourned, or are still grieving.

You still blame yourself. You feel like you could've done better to stop Thanos's decimation. But you didn't.

You choose to change the subject.

You: And you? Any lucky ones tangling in the cat's string?

Violet laughs.

Violet: Not really...but there is that guy in Hell's Kitchen.

You chuckle. You know Daredevil and the Black Cat have worked together before, but didn't expect them to have a sort of fling.

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