Saving Stephen Strange

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Iron Man drops down and shoots at Ebony Maw. He turns around to speak to Strange.

Tony: Gotta get that stone outta here, now.

Doctor Strange: It stays with me.

Tony: Exaclty. Bye.

Tony flies towards Ebony, dodging chunks of concretes and metal that's being thrown at him. Cull Obsidian extends a metal tether that finally hits him and heaves Tony several blocks down into a park. Bruce runs over to him.

Bruce: Tony, you okay? How we doing? Good? Bad?

Tony groans.

Tony: Really, really good. Do you plan on helping out?

Bruce: I'm trying. He won't come out.

Obsidian's hammer is launched towards them, and Tony dives at Bruce to push him away. Tony then flies back up at shoots repulsor beams at the alien, who blocks it. He finally hits Tony with the hammer, and Tony crashes to the ground.

Obsidian runs up and slams down the hammer again, but you swing in and grab the front of it, protecting Tony. You grunt as you use your strength to keep it away.

You: Man...I wish I had my gloves right now.

Obsidian grabs and hurls you towards the fountain nearby. AJ swings in and gets on top of Obsidian, trying to shock him with his bio-electricity.

Tony glides up and keeps on shooting his beams while AJ tries fighting him too. Obsidian grapples AJ with his tether and throws him away, and that's when you join Tony in fighting the alien.

He slams down his hammer but you flip over and dodge the attack. You shoot a web-line at he raises it again and try to pull it away. This distraction lets AJ lift a nearby taxi cab and throw it at Obsidian, knocking him down.

Suddenly, you see Doctor Strange's unconscious body fly through the air. His Cloak of Levitation is trying to escape from Ebony Maw. Tony notices this too.

Tony: Y/N, go get the wizard before the wrinkled sack does.

You nod and look at AJ.

You: Stay here and help Tony.


You swing away, going after the sorcerer.

You keep swinging through the streets, all while out of costume. You can't remember the last time you were able to do something like this.

You get close to Ebony Maw who's flying after Strange, but the alien uses his telekinesis to throw a sheet of metal at you. You flip over it and web-zip towards the side of a building, running along the wall and leaping off to get closer.

Strange's cloak gets snagged up on a pole and his body flies forward, but you shoot a web and grab him before he can hit the ground.

You: Gotcha!

Suddenly, a beam shoots down from Ebony's ship and starts to pull Strange up.

You: Oh crap!

You shoot another web at the streetlight to keep yourself grounded. You try to pull down Strange. You speak into your earpiece.

You: Guys! I got Strange but we're getting beamed up.

Meanwhile, AJ is fighting Obsidian with Tony.

AJ: Hang on!

The large alien slaps AJ away and grabs Tony. He throws him into the ground hard and creates a crater. Obsidian jumps at him, but Wong runs in and opens up a portal that the alien drops into.

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