You Could Have Saved Us

806 31 1

{Three Years Later}


You evade the laser blast, snow splashing everywhere.


You keep web-slinging through the forest, deftly steering clear of the trees ahead.

Behind you follows a jeep, driven by Andrea. Daryl is in the back of it shooting arrows from his bow at the HYDRA soldiers on foot.

A truck containing enemies rolls up beside Black Widow and Hawkeye, but Thor flies in and lands on their hood. He disables their vehicle, shooting up towards the nearby watch tower next and taking down the soldiers there.

Captain America rides his motorcycle through the snowy forest, steering away from trees as well. He throws his shield, which hit multiple enemies on foot. It bounces back towards him, and catches it like a frisbee. He places it back in front of his bike.

Hulk roars and storms through, grabbing soldiers and throwing them around.

Iron Man soars through the air and shoots repulsor beams from his gauntlets.

You swing towards a group HYDRA soldiers on top of another watch tower. You kick one of them off, and quickly turn around to land a right hook at another. You pull away a soldier's rifle with a web-line and launch him back with a flying knee. You then do a backflip kick at the last soldier, taking them down.

You leap off the tower and continue swinging. Andrea and Daryl are about to crash into a barrier, and the two bail at the last second. They both fly off, and are joined by the rest of their team when they land. Thor and Tony glide by, Hulk runs through, Steve vaults over the barrier on his bike, and you swing by.

Tony flies up and out of the forest going towards the fortress. He accerlates and goes towards it, but ends up crashing into its force-field. He is shaken and bounces off of it.

Tony: SHIT!

Everybody hears his curse through the comms and Steve scolds him.

Steve: Language!

Cap contiues to ride his motorcycle and speaks to Tony's A.I.

Steve: JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?

JARVIS: The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is far beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken.

You swing towards a trio of soldiers and land on one of them. You quickly sweep the second soldier's legs and knock him out with a punch to the face. You turn around and shoot an electric web at the last soldier, electrocuting him and giving you the opportunity to grapple him and slam him to the floor.

You take a breath as you stand back up and speak into your comms.

You: Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.

Thor is nearby taking down soldiers as well. He tosses Mjölnir and hits one soldier, letting it fly back into his palm. He responds to your statement.

Thor: At long last.

Andrea grapples one soldier and brings him down. She unholsters her pistol and shoots the other one behind her.

Andrea: "At long last" is lasting a little long, boys.

Nearby, Daryl takes cover behind a tree. He shoots an explosive arrow at the bunker ahead.

Daryl: Yeah, I think we lost the element of surpise.

Tony flies by a group of enemies by the perimeter of the fotress. He shoots them down with his repulsor blast.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon