Five Years Later

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{Five Years Later}

The suited men held their guns and faced the kneeling victims in froth of them. They were all on the rooftop of a building, overlooking the overcast above the city. The main man paced around and brandished his pistol.

Man 1: Don't take this personally. Think of this as...using your life as a message to all.

The men and women in front of them whimpered as they thought their end would be soon. The suited man cocked his gun and aimed at the first guy.

Man 1: The Maggia always remembers.

Before he can shoot, a disk-like projectile sticks to the side of his gun. It shocks him, and the man drops the weapon as he held his hand.

The gunman behind the main man looks up and doesn't expect to see Spider-Man above. You land on him and slam his head into the pavement.

Man 2: Open fire!

Three men pull the triggers of their pistols and unload bullets. They hit you, but the bulletproof nano-tech of your suit deflects them. It kind of tickles, but it's a hard tickle.

You shoot two web-lines and stick a couple of the men. You pull them and make them slam on the ground.

Man 1: Bring out the big guns!

Another Maggia member takes out a different looking weapon from his case. He charges it up, and shoots an electric bolt at you. This actually succeeds as you writhe in disconfirm.

Man 3: Dialing this up to ten, asshole!

He starts to charge the gun up again, but then a billy-club wraps his leg and pulls him down.

The remaining men look on in awe as the second combatant drops down near his victim.

A/N: Credit for this redesign goes to Zhanibek Kurmanbay on Artstation!

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A/N: Credit for this redesign goes to Zhanibek Kurmanbay on Artstation!

The Daredevil.

Before one of the four men can shoot at him, you leap at the man and kick him off the building. You shoot a web to catch him before he plummets and stick him to the side.

Daredevil charges at the men and grapples the main Maggia member, taking him down using a judo move and punching him a couple times. He quickly gets up and roundhouse kicks the second criminal and knocks a few teeth out of his mouth.

The last man runs over to grab the rifle from the floor, but you shoot a web and stick his foot to the floor. Daredevil runs up and hits him across the face with his baton, then finishes him off by slamming his face into the nearby wall.

You pant as you look on at the incapacitated Maggia members. The civilians on their knees either watched it all unfold or had their eyes still closed in fear.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now