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You swing down to one of the floors below. You look around for Louis, and thanfully, you see him. He's on the ground and beginning to move.

You: Louis, you okay?

You help him up, and he leans on you.

Louis: I just fell down an elevator shaft, what do you think?

You chuckle.

Louis: Is Clem okay?

You: Yeah.

He nods, holding his side.

You carry Louis and swing to one of the lower floors that you left Clementine at. You both land, and see Clementine looking out into the construction site. She turns around and runs to you.

Clementine: Thank God, you're okay.

She hugs you, then notices Louis. She steps back.

Louis: Clem, I...I'm sorry.

He then turns to you too.

Louis: I'm sorry for everything.

You both listen.

Louis: The darkness that consumed my father almost consumed me. I let it dictate my feelings, and I pushed everybody away...I tried to drive the two of you apart.

Louis puts a hand on your shoulder.

Louis: I know you didn't kill my dad, Y/N. My butler told his glider impaled him. I'm sorry I never listened to you.

Before you can respond, Clementine walks up and hugs Louis. The two embrace and a tear falls down his eye. She lets go.

Clementine: I forgive you.

You look at Louis and give him a hug too.

You: You'll always be my brother. I love you, man.

The two of you embrace. Suddenly, Clementine gasps. The both of you stop hugging and turn around, seeing Sandman in his human form.

You clench your fist.

You: What are you doing here, Tripp?

Sandman looks down, and sighs.

Sandman: I don't want to fight. I want to apologize, for everything. Venom told me if I didn't join him, he'd go after my family. I did what I had to do.

Louis and Clementine begin to understand, but you still had one question.

You: What about my uncle, Tripp? Why?

He takes a breath and begins to explain.

Sandman: After my partner robbed the wrestling promoter, we fled. Our car broke down once we made it to Queens..

He explains how Abel and him began looking for a vehicle. Abel found one, in front of your house. Your uncle was there, and questioned what he was doing. Abel shot your uncle, to Tripp's shock. The two of them took the car and fled the scene.

Tripp and Abel argued as they drove, which ultimatley lead to Abel pulling a gun on him and demanding him out. Tripp was more than willing, as the guilt of not doing anytning to stop your uncle's death was too much.

Tripp went on the run from there.

You took every word in, a tear dropping from your eye. Tripp didn't kill your uncle, and you know he felt guilt everyday because of what happened.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu