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Thank God you had your suit insulated after your first encounter with Electro. You didn't want Clementine to treat you for near third-degree burns if you ever ran into him again.

Out of all the villains you've faced so far in your career as Spider-Man, Electro was the most powerful. Even Electro himself probably doesn't understand the full capability of his power.

You hope he never does, for your sake.

You land in front of Electro and land an uppercut, launching him a few feet back. Electro quickly recovers and begins to float up. He shoots bolts at you, but you dodge and swing up.

You avoid each attack, and quickly shoot a web at a parking meter. You pull it off from the concrete and are about to launch it at Electro, but a electrical bolt hits you. You crash into a newsstand.

Electro flies up near a power line and grabs it. He rips it in half, giving him more charge and power. He then look down at the fleeing bystanders.

Electro: You all will know the name Electro!

He begins shooting bolts near the bystanders and police.

You get up from the debris, and look at your web shooters. You remember the impact web schematic Louis sent you earlier today, which you installed soon after. It was time to give it a go.

You swing up to a street light and see Electro shooting bolts at the officers. You tinker with your web shooters and enable the impact web. You shoot at Electro, and he is engulfed with a large amount of webbing. 

Electro: What the?!

You use this time to quickly go over to a fire hydrant. You rip it off its bolts and water begins to shooting up towards Electro. It drenches him, powering him down. He stops floating and lands on the ground below, still webbed up and struggling to break free.

You take a breath, he was down for now.

S.W.A.T police slowly approach Electro and begin apprehending him. He will be on his way to the Raft supermax facility.

You begin talking to yourself.

You: Ben...I'm sorry this happened to you.


You swing away, leaving the wreck in Times Square.

• •

You finish changing back into your civilian clothes and land in front of the steps of F.E.A.S.T. You fix your hair and and enter the building.

You see your aunt near the front desk talking with somebody. She turns around and notices you.

Aunt: Y/N. I'm glad you made it.

You: Sorry for the hold up, something came up.

The front desk clerk chimes in.

Clerk: Were you at Times Square? Crazy stuff going on over there.

You: Just the usual traffic.

Aunt: Mr. Li is in his office. Follow me.

You follow your aunt upstairs and walk through the second floor of the shelter. You make a left and see an office door open. You and your aunt go inside.

Aunt: Your guest has arrived.

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