A Message

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{The Next Day}

Philip Fisk sits in the main cell block, in his nice white two-piece suit that stood out from the rest of the prisoners roaming around. He is special, he gets things that he wants when he wants. That's how life is for him despite him being behind bars.

This is why he is the Kingpin.

It came as a surprise when he heard about how you revealed your identity to the public. He didn't think you'd be a fool enough to do so, and now that you did, he wanted to make sure you regretted it.

He could be still be mayor right now, doing his dealings all why under the guise of a politician. But since you and the Black Cat stopped him, the chance was ripped away from him. Now he wants to deal with you and then try and go after the second Spider-Man, Kid Arachnid.

Maybe the kid will be dumb enough to show his face too, he thought.

As Fisk is sitting, the chatter in the area ceases. It is pretty unusual, and Fisk turns around from his seat and looks at what everybody was eyeing.

He sees you, in your spider-suit standing still in the middle of the cell block. You snuck into Rykers, and there were no guards in the area because Fisk paid them off to go home for the night.

He smirks.

Kingpin: Ah, dear old friend. I didn't think you'd come and visit so soon.

You don't respond, and Fisk gets up from the table and buttons his suit as he walks over.

Kingpin: Come on, cat got your tongue? Speaking of cat, how's that bitch anyway?

You still stay silent as he continues. The inmates all watch.

Kingpin: I thought you two were a thing, that whole crusade you both went through to take me down. But then I find out you have a wife...and kids—

You: Don't talk about them.

Fisk chuckles as he grabs his walking stick from the table.

Kingpin: Struck a nerve? I thought you'd be tougher than that.

You clench your Fisk.

Kingpin: Why the mask still? I know who you are. We all do.

He continues to pace in front of you.

Kingpin: That was an amateur move, revealing yourself to the world. For the years you've been a thorn in my ass, I thought you'd be smarter.

He extends his arms, looking around at the inmates on the ground floor and up on the railings.

Kingpin: I look around this room, and I see murderers and rapists, thieves and thugs, perverts and psychotics...all men who may once have aspired to be more than these things, but have settled for the names they've been given.

Kingpin looks back at you.

Kingpin: But no matter how they may have fallen, there is one breed they look down upon...the chump.

You glare under your mask.

Kingpin: A chump is someone who believes in the greater good, who believes that good triumphs because it is good. They trust the government, trusts his fellow citizens, trusts the man behind an iron mask who tells them to show the world their true face...

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα