Unexpected Help

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You park in front of your aunt's house. You would usually swing here, but after finally getting your driver's license a few weeks ago you thought it'd be nice to drive for once. You are grateful that your aunt still kept your uncle's old car, which was fixed up after it was crashed by Abel Carradine.

You stay in your car for a bit. You think of the night he stole your uncle's car, right after gunning him down. Tripp Marko, the Sandman, was also a part of that...but he felt remorse for being an accomplice. You forgave him.

You exit the car and start walking up to the steps of the house in Queens. You unlock the door with your key and enter the house. You notice it's darker the usual, but pay no mind as you shut the door.

You: Y/A/N? Are you home?

Suddenly, the lights turn on and you hear party blowers go off behind you. You turn around and see some of your friends and your aunt in the kitchen.

They wear party hats and begin yelling in unison.

Friends: Surprise!

You chuckle at the sight of it. You take off your jacket and place it on the couch. Your aunt smiles as she walks over to you.

Aunt: Well, say something!

You: What's the occasion?

Aunt: Come on, Y/N. It's your birthday! Whether you want to remember it or not.

You aunt pecks both your cheeks.

Ruby: He lives in another reality. Don't you, Y/N?

You walk up to your friends. You hug Clementine and give her a kiss. You look at the rest of the guests.

You: I'm glad you guys came. Thank you.

Aasim: Don't mention it.

Louis: Sophie and Minerva couldn't make it, but they send their regards.

You: That's okay.

Ruby: Well? How does it feel to finally turn 20?

You: I mean, it's alright.

Louis: Sucks huh? Still not being able to legally drink?

You laugh. That surely didn't stop you and Louis from keeping the bar back at the loft stocked. 

Your aunt brings out a cake with candles already lit. She places it on the table.

You: Wow. This looks amazing.

Omar: Made it myself.

You look at Omar in astonishment.

Omar: Nah, I'm kidding. I'm a chef not a baker. Clem bought this at a bakery.

You chuckle and look at Clementine. She kisses you on the lips.

Clementine: Happy birthday, tiger.

You smile and then look back over at the cake. Your friends and aunt start singing. People would usually start thinking of what to wish for before the blowing of the candles, but you couldn't think of anything.

You already have everything you could ever wish for.

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Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now