Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D

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{April 2006}

Carl's birthday dinner was a success. You enter the loft with Clementine. Louis wasn't home yet, he told you that after dropping off Carl he had to go to his father's penthouse and do something. You wonder what he needed to do?

Clementine sits down on the couch and turns on the television. You sit beside her and simply look at her. She glances at you.

Clementine: What?

You: You're very beautiful.

Clementine chuckles, looking back at the T.V.

Clementine: Thanks, Romeo.

You get closer and start kissing her, beginning at her cheek and then down her neck.

Clementine: Okay, okay, looks like somebody is in a mood.

She lays down on the couch as you embarace her. You look down at her face and smile.

You: I never want to leave your side.

Clementine understands why you're doing all of this. You had just recovered from the mind control of the Gaines twins. They made you believe Clementine was killed by Kraven, and in your anger you almost killed Kraven himself. Thankfully the Gaines twins were no more, so they can't play mind games with anybody else.

Clementine: I'll always be there with you.

You both kiss. Clementine pulls back to your surprise.

Clementine: Louis might be back soon. How about we move this upstairs?

• •

{Present Day}

Two days have passed since AJ's encounter with the Winter Soldier. He told Tenn about his camouflage ability, which Tenn nerdgasm'd upon hearing it. He also patched up his knife wound on his own the day it happened. He could've went to Clementine for help, but didn't want her to deal with his escapades while worrying about Y/N.

His mom definitely was not a choice, either.

AJ finishes changing into his makeshift spider-suit on top of the building of the hospital, putting his Timbs on last. He leaps off of the rooftop and swings away.


AJ swings down East Harlem, where his spider sense goes off. He hears an explosion nearby, and changes direction.

The goons run into an alley through the hole they made with the explosive. A couple of them carry bags of jewels.

Goon 1: To the car!

They start making their way to the getaway vehicle, but are surprised to see Kid Arachnid drop down in front of their car. AJ punches into the engine, disabling the car.

AJ: Sorry, dawg. Looks like you have to get this checked at AutoZone.

The goons raise their guns, but AJ activates his camouflage and vanishes.

Goon 2: Where the fuck did he go!?

Suddenly, AJ reappears behind a goon and grabs him. He tosses him into the wall, knocking him out. AJ quickly hits the other goon in front of him, making sure to pull his punch.

Y/N trained AJ to pull back his hits and also roll with normal opponents' punches, because his super strength at max capacity can be fatal.

The goon is knocked out as well. Another man tries to roundhouse kick AJ, but he grabs his leg and kicks the man in the chest. As he holds the man's leg, the last goon runs and punches AJ hard in the side.

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