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{One Month Later}

You were at your loft with Aasim. The both of you were playing on your gaming system and had just beat him in a match of Mortal Kombat.

Aasim: All you do is spam the same move, dude. Lame as hell.

You: You gotta do what you gotta do to win.

Aasim gets up to grab a drink from the fridge at the bar area. He leans against the counter and thinks. He didn't want to ask, but he felt like it was time. It was too obvious.

Aasim: What happened with you and Louis, man?

You sigh. You haven't talked to him in over a month. After the incident, he hasn't come back to the loft for any of his things. He's just been staying at his father's old penthouse.

Hey, at least the loft was paid off for the next couple of years. You didn't have to worry about it.

But Aasim didn't know about what happened between you and Louis. He didn't even know the truth about Norman. Aasim was now the closest friend you had, aside from your girlfriend, Clementine.

You: I don't think Louis is gonna want to see me again...ever.

Aasim: What? Why?

You slouch over and begin rubbing your hands.

You: He found out I'm Spider-Man. The mercenary that wrecked the restaurant Carl and I were at? Louis hired him.

Aasim: Jesus...

Aasim looked at his soda can, thinking of what else to say.

Aasim: So he thinks you killed his dad?

You: Aasim...Louis's dad was the Goblin.

Aasim was taken back by that statement.

You: The same Goblin that attacked the fair, that killed those execs, who bombed the Bugle...

Aasim continues to listen.

You: ...the one who tried to kill my aunt and Clementine. He tried to kill me too, but he ended up killing himself.

Aasim walks over and sits back on the couch.

Aasim: I'm sorry that I asked. Tough subject.

You sit up straight, and pat his shoulder.

You: Don't be sorry. I trust you, and you trust me. 

Aasim smiles, but then it goes away before he asks another question.

Aasim: So, Louis doesn't know his dad was the Goblin?

You: No. I don't think so. Even though telling him could probably clear up the confusion...I don't want him knowing that his father was a murderous maniac.

Aasim nods, understanding.

Your phone begins to notify you about an incident nearby. You've modified it so that any police dispatch chatter can be heard. This time, it's a car chase in Greenwich.

You: It's time for the web-head to save the day.

Aasim chuckles, as you referenced the time he called you web-head when he first found out you were Spider-Man.

Aasim: I'll get going too. I need stop by Ruby's place.

You nod, and begin walking upstairs to your room so you could suit up.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now