The Hunter and the Hunted

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A/N: There is a track at the top of this chapter called "Run". This is what I imagine playing during this encounter.

The light on Kraven shuts off, and the room remains pitch black.

A crossbow bolt hit you in the shoulder. Your spider sense is weakened.

You: Argh!

You pull it out, and hear another bolt zip through the air in your direction. You dodge it, and dodge another one.

You notice they're coming from above, so you figure Kraven is still on the catwalk.


You swing onto the catwalk, but still can't see anything. You then hear footsteps against the metal grates behind you and leap forward.

Kraven slams his machete against the railing, missing you. You can see him a little bit in the darkness, but only when you're close.

He pulls out his crossbow again, and shoots at you. This time you barely dodge the bolt, only grazing your shoulder.

You flip backwards away from him. You look to you right and see the boarded up windows of the warehouse. You needed the light of the night sky.

You leap at the wall near the window and stick to it. You shoot two webs at the boards, and begin pulling. The boards break away, and the moonlight begins to light up half the room. You see Kraven glaring, and he runs back into the shadows.

From the shadows, Kraven pulls out a hunting rifle and begins firing out at you. You swing away towards the other window, and shoot webs at it too. It's not long until you pull away the boards as well.

Suddenly you get shot on the side of your right thigh, causing you to fall off the wall. You land on a crate and break it.

You: Ugh....guns are very unnecessary, Bill!

Kraven begins shooting more rounds at you, but you leap away and swing at him.

You perch yourself on the railing in front of him and kick the rifle out of his hands. He takes out his Bowie knife and brings it down on you, but you leap away.

Kraven begins running down the catwalk to the stairs leading to the roof.

You follow, and stand face to face against him once more.

You: What's wrong? Your prey got the best of you?

He unsheathes both his machetes.

Kraven: I'm not going to stop until I have your head!

Kraven yells as he runs at you. He wails his machetes at you in anger. You dodge his swings, and do a backflip kick that pushes him back.

Kraven: ARGH!

Kraven gets even more angry, and throws a smoke bomb.

You feel your senses coming back, so you begin to trust your spider sense as you await Kraven's blow through the smoke.

You sense Kraven coming from behind, so you turn quickly and grab his arm. He throw him forward and pin him down near the edge of the building.

You: It's over, Kraven!

He scowls.

Kraven: Not until you're dead!

He grabs his Bowie knife and slashes you across your stomach.

You: Argh!

You leap back, as Kraven gets up. He takes another smoke bomb out and tosses it.

This time you shoot a web at the bomb and toss it back at him. It lands near his feet and explodes. Kraven begins to stumble back from the disorientation, and begins to slip at the edge of the roof.

Kraven falls over the edge, and you quickly run to try and save him.

You look over the edge, and see a ripple effect in the water below where Kraven must've landed. You survey the pier for a bit, hoping to see Kraven emerge, but he doesn't.

You sigh, and hold the cut at your abdomen. Seems the prey has bested the hunter.


You're perched on the side of the building of your loft, as you look upon the view of West Village. You finally get to check your cell phone, and see many calls from your friends. It makes sense, you've been gone almost the whole day.

Of course, you call Clementine first. It's not long until she answers.

Clementine: Y/N?!

You: Hey.

Clementine: Where the hell have you been?! Are you okay?! We've been worried sick, even Louis.

You: You know how it is....I got attacked by that same guy from yesterday.

Clementine: Oh my....

You: He's been dealt with. I don't think he'll be a problem any time soon.

Clementine: I'm home right now. You need me to provide any medical attention or....

You: No. I'm fine, really. Nothing I can't handle myself.

Clementine: Okay....

You: I'm literally on top of the loft right now. I'll just show up at the door and tell Louis I was enjoying the city or something and that my phone was off.

Clementine: If he believes that.

You: It's Louis, if not I'll think of something.

She chuckles.

Clementine: Okay, see you tomorrow.

You: Good night, Clem.

The both of you hang up.

You begin to change into your regular clothes and place your Spider-Man suit into a backpack you grabbed from your room. You climb down the building and enter through the front entrance. After taking the elevator, you walk down the hallway and finally enter your loft.

Walking in, you expect Louis to be at the door waiting to question you. Instead, you see him on the couch kissing Violet. He immediately notices you.

Louis: Woah! Hey, Y/N....didn't think you'd be here tonight.

Violet awkwardly waves a hello.

You: I thought I'd have to explain where I was, but I'll just leave you two alone and explain tomorrow.

Louis: You do that, Y/N. 

You chuckle, and walk upstairs to your room.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead Gameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें