Shock To The System

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{A While Later}

The fire department extinguished the fire and your Aunt got back to the F.E.A.S.T center safely. You're on a nearby rooftop with Clementine, sitting on a set of stairs. AJ went downstairs to get something to drink.

You hold your side and are exhausted.

You: Clem, if it weren't for you and AJ...I would've been—

Clementine: —as dead as I would've been the last 8 1/2 thousand times you saved me. Pretty sure I still owe you a few.

You weakly laugh, giving you a small ache on your side.

Clementine: Hey, I'm sorry I screwed things up. It's just...hard being the one who always gets saved, you know? Sometimes I want to do the saving.

You look at her.

You: I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't. Still partners?

Clementine: Always.

You both smile. AJ comes outside holding a box of drinks.

AJ: Hey, uh, I didn't know if you, uh, wanted Sprite, Gatorade, Pepsi, or this sparkling water I basically got everything....

He notices the both of you and places the box down.

AJ: Am I interrupting?

You: Oh...uh, no. Clem — Miss Watson and I were talking about strategy.

AJ: Strategy?

Clementine: That's right. The city is in danger, it needs our help.

You: All of our help.

AJ nods and looks at you.

AJ: Well, call the play, coach.

You: Okay...divide and conquer.

You get on your feet and face the two.

You: Miss Watson, we're gonna need to find out what Mr. Everett is after, why he gathered the five other villains. He has to have an endgame.

Clementine: You can count on me.

You then look at AJ.

You: AJ, you need to be my eyes and ears at F.E.A.S.T. Anything goes wrong, call me. We need to keep that place and its people safe.

AJ: Alright, you've got it. What are you going to do?

You: A gang of costumed nut-jobs is taking the city a part piece by's time I return the favor.

You start walking to the side of the roof when AJ calls out.

AJ: Hey, wait. How do I call you? You got in your...pockets or something?

You: Miss Watson can give you my number. Good luck, team.


You leap off and swing away. AJ smiles then looks at Clementine.

AJ: You have his number...are you...Spider-Man's girlfriend? That would be so cool!

Clementine laughs and goes over to the box of drinks.

Clementine: Come on, Sherlock. Let's see what else you got in here.

• •

{Later That Day}

You got a tip from Michonne about Shocker being spotted at a subway station in Union Square. You make it the scene and see police cars in the area.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora