Battle of Wakanda

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It is a place AJ has only been to once in his life. He arrived here a year ago for assistance, and now he's here again.

The Quinjet lands on the pad and the airstair opens up. They see T'Challa standing outside alongside the Dora Milaje warriors.

Everybody walks out of the jet, and Bruce starts talking to Rhodey.

Bruce: Should we bow?

Rhodey: Yeah, he's a king.

AJ chuckles silently. Judith beside him asks the same question.

Judith: Do we?

AJ: No, it's not something they do.

Steve walks up to T'Challa with Andrea. He shakes his hand.

Steve: Seems like I'm always thanking you for something.

Bruce bows.

Rhodey: What are you doing?

T'Challa: Uh, we don't do that here.

AJ walks up to the Wakandan king unmasked and he notices the young man. He speaks in their native tongue.

T'Challa: (Brother Morales), it's a delight to see you again.

AJ: Wish it was under different circumstances, Your Highness. But we have to get ready.

They all start walking back to the palace.

T'Challa: So how big of an assault should we expect?

Bruce: Uh, sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault.

Andrea: How are we looking?

T'Challa: You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and...

He points at a familiar looking man, now having longer hair and a vibranium left arm. It's Bucky Barnes, free from his HYDRA programming.

Bucky: And a semi-stable 100-year old man.

He hugs Steve.

Steve: How you been, Buck?

Bucky: Uh, not bad, for the end of the world.

He looks over at the rest of the team and greets them, then sees AJ.

Bucky: Long time no see, Spider-boy.

AJ: Spider-Man, now. You good up here now?

He taps his head, and Bucky chuckles.

Bucky: You won't have to worry about me plunging a knife in you anymore. And I'd prefer not to get shocked by you again.

The two clasp hands, and Bucky notices Judith too.

Bucky: Another one? You guys just love wearing costumes huh?

• •

Shuri finished scanning Vision. She starts explaining how Vision's structure and programming are complicated. She can remove the stone, but it'll be a lengthy process.

Shuri: It'll take time, brother.

T'Challa nods.

Steve: How long?

Shuri: As long as you can give me.

Okoye's kimoyo beads start to trill, alerting them of something. Judith barely notices her, she kind of looked like her stepmother Michonne.

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