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{Two Weeks Later}

Could you have saved Lori?

What could you have done different?

Could it have gone any other way?

These were questions you've asked yourself for the last couple weeks. You haven't felt this much guilt since Glenn's death.

You also remember what Clementine told you that day. You can't save everyone.

You just couldn't get it out of your head, though. Carl and Judith lost their mother, and Rick lost the love of his life.

You're at Clementine's place. You look into the mirror in her room as you're fixing your collar. Lori's funeral was in an hour.

Clementine comes into the room and starts to fix your collar for you.

You: Thanks.

She notices your mood.

Clementine: Hey, I know what you're thinking...

You try to play it off with a chuckle and a smile.

You: Heh, you know me so well.

Clementine gives you a look, knowing the facade you're giving off.

You nod, and look back at the mirror.

You: You ever look back to a time where you think you could've done something different...?

Clementine: You did what you could, tiger. You can't blame yourself for something that was out of your control.

You don't respond. She continues.

Clementine: You saved Rick. Carl and Judith still have their dad because of you.

You: But not their mom. If I would've caught Shane back at Kingpin's meeting...or tracked him down during his killing spree, I could've stopped all this.

In times like these, you always put blame on yourself. You had so much guilt, and Clementine hated seeing that.

Clementine: You shoulder so much responsibility, Y/N. Don't beat yourself up.

She kisses you on the cheek.

Clementine: Come on, let's go.

You nod, and the two of you leave the apartment.

• •

The funeral went as planned. Everybody paid their respects and offered their condolences to Lori's family.

A/N: Press F to pay respects.

Carl leans against a tree at the cemetery. He looked on at Rick and Judith by the casket, talking with other people. You walk up to Carl.

You: Hey, man.

Carl: Hey. Thanks for coming.

You: I wouldn't miss this for anything, Carl.

Carl nods in appreciation. You look on at what Carl is seeing.

Carl: My dad's talked about taking a break from the force.

You: Retirement? Really?

Carl: Something like that, or at least a really long vacation. He says Michonne was promoted to Captain a few weeks ago, so the department is in good hands.

You: Yeah...

Carl sighs.

Carl: I heard him talk to himself last night. He blames Spider-Man for this.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now