Curtain Call

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{Two Weeks Later}

You've been on the bus for over half an hour, you and the rest of the club were close to your destination.

Louis: It better not be some Wicked ripoff. I'd rather see the real shit.

Aasim: I doubt it's anything Wicked related, and I doubt the school was willing to pay that much.

You were in the Theater club, and coincidentally your friends Aasim, Louis, and Clementine were in it too. Today was a club field trip to watch a play on Broadway.

Louis and Aasim sat on the seat to the right of you, talking about what show you're going to watch. Clementine sat with you, and she was sleeping. She had her head on your shoulder, and has been that way for the last 10 minutes. You wondered why she didn't lay her head against the window instead, but you didn't care.

You notice Aasim and Louis stop conversing, and see them looking at you.

You: What?

They both smirk, and then turn away to continue talking.

You know they're teasing you because of what they see.

You shake your head.

A short time after, the bus stops as you make it to the performing arts center.

Teacher and club sponsor, Mr. Wyatt Daniels, gets up from his seat to speak. He had blonde hair and wore glasses, and most of the students thought he was the cool teacher at Ericson.

Mr. Daniels: We're here folks. Remember to exit the bus in an orderly fashion.

You turn to Clementine.

You: Hey, we're here.

She starts to wake up, and quickly notices that she's been sleeping on your shoulder.

Clementine: Oh! Sorry about that.

You chuckle.

You: It's fine. I'll sleep on your shoulder during the ride back and we'll call it even.

The both of you share a laugh.

Clementine: Dork.

You leave the bus with the rest of the club, and start making your way into the theater.

You make it into the lobby, and Mr. Daniels tells the club to wait while he sorts things out with the manager.

Louis: You sure you'll be able to last the whole show, sleepy head?

Clementine: Shut up.

Aasim: If it's opera, you can count me out. I'll be out cold.

Mr. Daniels wanted to keep what the show was a surprise, he liked it like that.

You: Hey, maybe it is Wicked.

Louis: I fucking hope.

The four of you then hear another one of your club members reacting to a video on their phone, with two other classmates looking on with him.

Louis: Hey Omar? What are you watching there?

Omar: They released the security tape of Spider-Man fighting those robbers in that jewelry store from a couple days ago. He kicked their asses!

You remember that day. They were pretty dumb burglars, but you were thankful they were stupid enough not to bring a gun. You took care of them easily.

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