A New Day

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The alarm kept on beeping, and you've already let it beep for so long as you laid comfortably in your bed.


Finally, with your eyes half open you turn to shut off your alarm clock.

Sleeping in sounds so good to you right now. It's just going to be the same day and same shit at school.

Then you think, and realize what day it was...the field trip to the exhibit.

You turn to you alarm clock again, eyes fully open, to check the time.

You: Crap!

You were about to be late for your bus.

You put on your glasses, and start quickly getting ready.

After changing into your clothes, you start running down the stairs.

Aunt (Y/A/N): Y/N! You're going to be late!

You: I know, I know.

You sling your backpack over your shoulder, and you see your aunt and uncle eating breakfast at the table.

Uncle (Y/U/N): What were you doing all last night that made you sleep in? Talking to girls over the phone?

You: Very funny.

Your uncle was always the type to crack jokes.

You start going towards your front door.

Aunt: You don't want to take anything to eat on the way?

You: No thanks, I'm not hungry.

Uncle: Well have fun on the trip, and be safe.

You nod at your aunt and uncle, and leave the house.


You are close to the bus stop, and see the bus letting the last of the kids in.

You start running, but the bus quickly leaves once they let the last passengers on.

You: Wait!

The bus is already far down the road, and you just look on in disappointment.

Then, you heard a car horn on your left.

Louis: Missed the bus again?

You chuckle as you go near your friend Louis's car.

You: Woke up late. I was up all night doing the paper for Mr. Castaneda.

Louis: That paper? Everybody in the school knows Carlos Castaneda basically passes you this time of year.

You: I still want it to be good.

Louis: Just get in the damn car.

You open his door and get in the passenger seat. He begins to drive.

Louis: So, you ready to see what my dad has in store?

You remember that the exhibit you're going to showcases what Louis's dad, Mr. Osborn, and his company has worked on.

You: What I've heard about so far sounds cool. Surprised the junior class of Ericson gets to go out of every school in New York.

Louis: I made my dad pull some strings.


You and Louis make it to the exhibit, and you see the bus that left you start letting out its passengers.

Louis parks the car, and the both of you start walking towards the group of students.

You look to your right, and see the girl with the baseball cap leaving the bus. Her name is Clementine.

Louis nudges you as you're walking.

Louis: Don't drool this time, bro.

You: Shut up.

Clementine first moved from Georgia to New York towards the end of sophomore year. And if luck would have it, she also moved into your neighborhood, and is your next door neighbor.

As you look at her, she ends up looking back at you. This causes you to look away.

Mr. Everett: Okay people, remember to keep your chatting at a minimum and to respect the exhibit. I don't want to have to write any of you up.

You slightly smile at the sight of Mr. Everett. He is your history teacher and your favorite teacher at Ericson. He decided to chaperone this trip.


You make it into the exhibit, and see the many displays brought by Oscorp. After looking around a bit, you and the group make it to a display about spiders.

As you're looking at the display, you feel somebody bump into you.

Marlon: Careful, Y/N. Don't make these spiders kill themselves at the sight of you.

He begins to laugh alongside his friend Mitch.

You ignore Marlon. He's been giving you tough time through high school.

Marlon: What? Got nothing to say?

Louis: Dude. Knock it off.

Marlon: Oh? Sorry for messing with the homo parade.

He begins to laugh again as he walks away.

Louis: Fuck those guys.

You nod, then suddenly you sense somebody come up to the display on your left.

Clementine: You ever wonder why they're experimenting on arachnids?

You stay silent for a bit at the shock of her asking you a question, but you answer.

You: Your guess is as good as mine.

Louis realizes the situation, and gives a slight chuckle before leaving the two of you.

You: Maybe...they're making a whole spider army for the U.S. The Middle East won't be expecting that.

Clementine chuckles at your statement.

Clementine: Yeah, imagine their reaction when they see a soldier randomly releasing a box of spiders.

You laugh in response, then you see Clementine inspecting the display closely.

Clementine: Hmmm...there's one missing.

You look and see one of the spiders isn't in their display.

You: Weird.

Clementine's friends, Brody and Ruby, call her over.

She gives a slight smile to you, and then goes over to them.

You look over as she walks to them, and at the sight of her, you don't realize one of the engineered spiders landed on your shoulder from the ceiling.

As you continue walking, it starts crawling down your sleeve, and onto your hand. You feel something there, but you dismiss it.

That is until you feel a sharp prick on your right hand.

You: Agh!

You strike your right hand with your left palm, crushing the spider. You then look down and see the dead spider on the ground.

You: Huh. Weird.

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