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{Two Days Later}

The City of New York and the rest of the world entirely all shared their views on the arrival of the new heroes. Many supported them, accepting the idea of more protectors to go along with Spider-Man. Some disagreed, still seeing them as vigilantes who needed to be under discretion.

Thor took Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard, and each of the Avengers bid farewell and went their separate ways. Somewhere in your mind, though, knew this wouldn't be the last time you'd all work together.

Back at the Hellicarrier, Jesus finished his live call with the Council, who wondered what his plan was with the new heroes parting ways.

He enters the main area, and Maria Hill walks up to him.

Maria: Sir, how does it work now? They've gone their separate ways. Some, pretty extremely far.

Jesus nods as the two get closer to the railing.

Maria: If we get into a situation like this again what happens then?

Jesus: They'll come back.

Maria: Are you really sure about that?

Jesus puts his hands behind his back.

Jesus: I am.

Maria: Why?

Jesus looks out the window at the clouds ahead.

Jesus: Because we'll need them to.

• •

You are in your apartment with Clementine and Ben. AJ also stopped by, and was playing with the infant while you helped Clementine set up a new bassinet.

You: Why did you order a new one? The old bassinet was fine as it was.

Clementine: Our son can't have new things? You grinch.

You chuckle, and hear Ben babbling with AJ. The teenager laughs as he spends time with your son. He grabs onto AJ's finger and squeezes.

AJ: Man. You have quite a grip, little guy.

You: Super-strength and super-hearing? I think you just found a new partner, AJ.

AJ laughs at your joke. He then thinks of the Chitauri invasion a couple days ago.

AJ: Hey...I might need one, if I end up fighting some otherworldly beings in the future.

You chuckle as you continue tightening a screw.

You: Yeah...I wasn't prepared for that either.

AJ: How was it working with Cap?

The teen wanted to know more about his fellow Brooklyn native.

You: Imagine a guy in his 70s stuck in a 27 year old's body.

AJ simply nods.

Clementine: And Thor? How was he?

You: You're asking...why?

AJ: I don't know, maybe he'll be a good dinner guest.

You: We might need to get a few dozen cases of beer then.

You all laugh, then suddenly the doorbell rings. You get up from your knees and start walking to the door.

As you usually do, you look through the peephole. Yet again, it's a surprise who arrived.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now