The Cat's Pursuit

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{Later That Day}

Violet was perched up on the ledge of a building overlooking the warehouse. She was wearing her Black Cat outfit, awaiting your arrival.


You leaped off your web and landed on the ledge beside her.

Violet: You're late.

You: Fashionably late. Besides, I had things to do.

Violet: I can smell the pizza on your breath.

You: How the—?

Violet: Smell is one of my heightened senses.

You simply nod.

You: So, how are we going to do this?

Violet points at men walking inside the warehouse.

Violet: They're transporting guns. I saw Simon go inside not too long ago. I say we just go inside and take them all down, quietly if we can.

You: Bold. You think you can handle all these guys with ARs?

Violet smirks.

Violet: You underestimate me.

She leaps off the building and grapples to the next one, making her way to the warehouse.

You sigh, and leap off as well.



Violet has just finished taking down a couple guys guarding the back of the warehouse. You webbed up the third guy before he can alert anybody else.

The two of you enter the warehouse through a window, and see several guys moving crates of weapons and munitions into trucks.

You see one man talking to another who's moving crates. Violet tells you that's Simon.

Violet: There's two by those crates. They're pretty far from the rest. We can take them.

You notice that they are farther away from the rest of the group.

You: Lead the way.

You follow Violet and watch her drop down and knock out one of the gunmen. The other gunman aims at Violet but you pull the gun away from his hands. You then shoot a web at him and pull him up to the catwalk, cocooning him in webs. You drop down.

Violet peeks her head out from behind the crates, and sees the remaining men.

Violet: I think we can take these.

You chuckle.

You: So just fuck stealth now, huh?

Violet smirks.

Violet: It's time to make this more fun.

She takes out a smoke bomb from her belt and tosses it. The blast disorients the gunmen as smoke fills the room.

You leap out of cover with Violet and pounce on one of the men. You hit his head against the pavement and knock him out.

Violet sweeps the legs of one man and sends him to the floor. She does a front flip and lands on his chest. She punches him in the face and knocks him out.

Simon unholsters his handgun, and starts shooting at Violet. She leaps out of the way, then you shoot a web at his hand and take the gun away. He begins to run away.

Violet: I got him!

She starts chasing after him

You: Vi—

A few more gunmen enter the warehouse and start shooting at you, stopping you from going after Violet. You hope she doesn't break her promise and kill Simon.


You shoot a web at the catwalk and pull yourself onto it. The men keep shooting but you dodge the gunfire. You shoot a web at a crate and throw it at two of the gunmen. It hits them and sends them to the ground.

You shoot a web at a man's face and disorient him. As he's trying to peel the web off, you zip towards the gunman near him and kick him in the face, knocking him out.

You then roundhouse kick the man you webbed seconds earlier and knock him out too. You look around and see the four men you just beat on the ground.

You: Was this the only career choice you guys had? I think Starbucks is hiring.

You remember Violet, and run outside where it had begun to rain.

You look around, and see nobody.


You swing up to the roof of the warehouse, and survey the area. As you're looking, your spider sense goes off.

You quickly turn around, and see Violet. For a moment, you wondered why your spider sense went off because of her.

Violet: Spider-Man.

You: Hey. What'd you do with Simon?

She went silent for a bit, just staring at you.

Violet: He's been dealt with.

You shake your head.

You: What the hell? What did I tell you?

She didn't respond.

You continue to shake your head as you walk away. Weirdly, your spider sense keeps going off, as if there's danger nearby. You just don't know where.

Suddenly, Violet pulls out a handgun as you have your back turned. Your spider sense goes off one last time as you backflip over her and web the gun out of her hands. You land on your feet and face her.

You: What the hell?

Violet just looked at you, then her face began to morph into something else, then her body. It finally finished morphing, and it turned out to be Simon.

You: Okay....that was freaky as shit.

Simon: Spider-Man. Never thought I'd see you in person.

You clench your fists

You: What'd you do to Black Cat?

Simon: No need to worry about her, you need to start thinking how you're going to deal with me.

You: I can deal with a two-bit thug.

Simon: You underestimate me, Spider-Man.

Simon then begins to morph again, until he has a white face and a dark purple jumpsuit.

A/N: Redesign by davidszaboart on DeviantArt

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A/N: Redesign by davidszaboart on DeviantArt.

Chameleon: You've never seen anything like me before.

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