Watchful Eye

661 40 15

{A Few Days Later}

Many friends of yours arrived to checkup on you. Carl and Sophia, Aasim and Ruby, Louis, Minerva, Sophie, Violet, even Tyreese and Eleanor from the Bugle came to visit. Omar has still yet to come by.

Aasim and Louis arrive to their second visit. Clementine is the only one with you at the moment. They enter the room.

Louis: Hey, Clem.

Clementine: Hey.

Aasim closes the door, holding another batch of flowers. They both walk to the foot of the bed.

Clementine: Thank you guys for coming again.

Aasim nods as he places the flowers down near the others.

Louis: He's least.

They've noticed your bruises and cuts on your face were fading.

Aasim: He has a healing factor, right?

Clementine nods.

Clementine: Never stopped him from coming over to my apartment and bleeding all over the floor.

They all share a light chuckle. Louis crosses his arms as he looks at you.

Louis: I remember when I was on the other side of this. When...I ended up in the hospital.

Louis tries not to think back at the time when he tried to kill you as the Goblin. But, he does fondly remember how you were by his side during his recovery after the alley fight.

Clementine: He cared about you, despite what was going through your mind. He never thought you were too far gone.

Louis nods. He hopes he will be able to talk to his best friend again.

Outside the room, AJ arrives for his daily visit and walks down the hallway. There, something catches his eye.

A man he's been seeing the past few days is pacing around near the door of your room. He peeks in through the window, looking at Clementine talking with Louis and Aasim.

He finishes peeking, and walks away from the door. He pulls out his phone and walks down the hallway. Upon making a right, a set of hands grab him and shove him against the wall. The corridor is empty so nobody witnesses AJ confront him.

AJ: Who the hell are you?

The man, Agent Aaron, makes a remark.

Aaron: You're a strong kid for your age.

AJ ignores this and pins him to the wall harder.

AJ: I asked you a question.

Aaron: Okay, okay. Can you please let me go?

AJ stares at him for a moment.

AJ: Don't try anything.

AJ lets go of Aaron. The agent fixes his suit and takes out a badge.

Aaron: I'm Agent Aaron Coulson. I'm a part of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. I assume you're close with Y/N L/N.

AJ: Wait, Strategic Homeworld—what now?

Aaron: S.H.I.E.L.D for short. Like I said, I assume you know Mr. L/N?

AJ nods. Aaron stares at him for a bit.

Aaron: You're his protege, right? The other Spider-Man?

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