Mr. Negative

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You immediately call her. She speaks to you discreetly and through her earpiece.

You: Clem! I'm on my way. Are you hurt?

Clementine: No. I'm fine. Just hurry.

You: I'm going as fast as I can. What are you doing at GCT?

Clementine: I'll explain later. Listen, Li is going to blow this place up.

You: You have to get out of there!

Clementine: He's not going to do it until Mayor Ezekiel gets here.

You: That's probably what Li wants. Maximum chaos. He probably wants Ezekiel to get caught in the explosion too.

Clementine: Classic New Frontier logic.

You land on the top of GCT. You enter an air vent and crawl through it.

You: I'm here. Anything I should look out for?

Clementine: Seems like they have some drones. They really must not want you around.

You: Don't worry, I'm in the ventilation system. Do you see a safe exit?

Clementine: Southwest corner.

You continue climbing through the maze-like vents and make it to an exit. You leave the vent and climb the side of the wall, surveying the terminal. You see the hostages, including Clementine. Demons roam around with guns in hand. You swing behind a column and hide.

You: These drones will spot me if I get any closer.

Clementine spots a tablet on a crate nearby, but a Demon is beside it.

Clementine: Do you see that tablet I'm looking at? That controls the drones.

You: Do you think you can snag it?

Clementine: Yeah, if you find a way to distract them.

You look around, and see the big metal clock in the middle of the room by the ticket booth.

You: Got it.

You shoot an impact web at the clock, the clank sound alerting the Demons. They raise their rifles at it in confusion. Clementine sneaks towards the tablet and takes it. Then, one of the hostages try to play hero and charges at a Demon. The man is quickly subdued and about to be shot, but Clementine intervenes.

Clementine: Wait! Don't hurt him.

The Demon holds his gun at him.

Demon 1: Who are you?

Clementine: Look, I'm a reporter. I have a direct line to the Mayor, and I can make sure he gets here on time.

Demon 1: How?

Clementine: First, let him go.

The Demon thinks for a bit, but then lets the man go. He motions at another Demon to radio their boss. He gets the go ahead, and speaks in Chinese to his colleagues.

Demon 2: (Bring her over there, away from the others. Mr. Li is on his way.)

A Demon begins escorting Clementine towards the stairs. Clementine walks past the column into the new area, when suddenly you swing down and grab the Demon. You throw him up and web him to the top of the column. You climb back on the ceiling and speak to her through your Bluetooth.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now