Clash of the Avengers

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You are in your spider suit and with Captain America running towards the helicopter in the middle of the airport. You guys are close, but a device sticks to the motor and disables it. You both stop as Iron Man and War Machine land in front of the chopper. Tony retracts his helmet.

Tony: Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport.

He turns to Rhodey beside him.

Tony: Don't you think that's weird?

Rhodey: Definitely weird.

You: Hear us out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist who was with Barnes, he's behind all this.

Out of nowhere, Black Panther leaps into the area and faces the two of you.

T'Challa: Captain. Spider-Man.

Steve: Your Highness.

Tony: Anyways, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you both in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?

Steve: You're after the wrong people.

Tony: Your judgment is askew. You old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.

Steve: And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them, Tony.

You: The more you keep us here, the less time we have to stop him.

Tony: Why are you on their side? Didn't Barnes try to kill you years ago?

You: He was mind-controlled. Just like he was back in Berlin. He's just a guy who's been wronged most of his life. He didn't bomb the Accords signing, Tony. He was framed.

T'Challa: That's what he wants you to believe.

Andrea: Y/N...

You and Steve turn around and see Andrea in her Black Widow attire.

Andrea: You know what's about you you two really want to punch your way out of this one?

You: I don't want this to be a fight...

Steve: Trust us.

Tony: All right. I've run out of patience. Summoning Spider 2.0!

Suddenly, a web pulls Steve's shield from his grasp. His hands are also webbed together. AJ is in his own spider-suit, flipping over and landing on a luggage cart, holding the shield. You are in awe.

Steve: Morales?

Tony: Nice job, kid.

You: AJ? What the hell?

AJ stands up straight while on the cart as he speaks.

AJ: Y/N. You have to stop this before things get worse.

You: You don't understand the current situation.

AJ: I do. You think your doing the right thing...but with what's been going on so far...

You: You think it's purely out of emotion.

You look at Tony.

You: What have you been telling him?

AJ: You taught me about power and responsibility. It's my responsibility to make sure you don't make another mistake you'll regret.

Steve: I told you we should've asked him.

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