You greet her by complimenting her look.

You: You look beautiful.

Clementine: Jesus, I thought by the time you'd arrive they wouldn't let us in.

You chuckle.

You: Got caught up in something. You know...

Clementine: Yeah...

She fiddles with your collar to fix it. She notices your spider suit under the clothes.

Clementine: Let's get inside. Carl's already in there.

You nod, and the two of you enter the theater.

• •

Sophia had invited you to a showing of a play she was in. She also invited close friends of her and Carl, like Minerva, Sophie, Omar, Aasim, Ruby...and even Louis.

But you didn't see Louis, you figured he didn't come. Maybe he just sat somewhere else.

The play ended. You and your friends were allowed backstage to congratulate Sophia.

Sophie: You were amazing, girl!

Minerva's sister hugs Sophia. Carl gives his girlfriend a kiss afterwards.

Omar: Not really a Broadway type of person...

Aasim: Yeah, especially after that one play Mr. Daniels took us to.

Omar: ...Right. But, I enjoyed this one. You did great Sophia.

Ruby: Give me some sugar, hun!

Ruby kisses her on the cheek and hugs her. Sophia is appreciative of all the love and support.

Sophia: You guys don't know how nervous I was at first...I thought I was going to die.

You: But look at you now. You killed it in your first show!

Carl puts an arm around her as the two smile.

???: Great show, Soph'!

Everybody turns to see who had arrived. You didn't need knew that voice.

Carl: Louis! You're here!

There he is. Louis in the flesh. You haven't seen him since the Scorpion incident. Carl and Sophia are oblivious at the fact that his hired mercenary almost got them killed.

Louis: I've been here, man. I just have a balcony seat...gotta have a nice view of the show.

He walks over and hugs Sophia, then looks over at the rest of his friends. He then looks at you.

Louis: It's been a while, Y/N.

You didn't know what to say.

You:'s been...a while. You been working out?

What the fuck? You did notice additional muscle mass on him since you've last seen him, but why make that the first thing you say?

Louis: You've noticed? Yeah, I have. Thank you.

He then switches subjects, and begins talking about a dinner party he's hosting in a couple days.

Louis: My dad's birthday is in a couple days, and since it's been two years since his death, I want to remember him.

Ruby: That sounds nice, Aasim and I will be there.

Ruby her arm around his. Aasim gets startled, but agrees. He's also surprised at Louis's sudden arrival.

Your other friends accept the invitation, which leaves you and Clementine as the last ones to say something.

You: Sure...if that's fine with Clem.

You look at her.

Clementine: Yeah, we'll be there.

Louis smiles.

Louis: That's great to hear.

He bids farewell, but looks back at the group before leaving. He looks at you specifically.

Louis: Bring your best suit.

He grins, then leaves.

He hasn't forgotten.

• •

{Two Days Later}

It was the night of the party. You arrive at the venue in Manhattan and exit the passenger seat of Clementine's car. The both of you start walking up the steps.

Clementine: Are you sure you're okay with this?

Clementine knows the situation between you and Louis. You told her what went down after you defeated Scorpion and saved Sophia.

You: I'm's just a dinner party. Maybe Louis is okay with me after all.

You enter the building, and see your friends and other guests from Oscorp at a table.

Louis: My amigos have made it!

Louis hugs Clementine and then daps you up with a handshake. He squeezes your hand, VERY hard. If you didn't have super strength, he would've definitely broke it.

You ignore it.

Louis: You both look great, but it doesn't compare to Omar's fit.

Omar waves, in his expensive suit that probably took his life savings to purchase.

Louis: Let's get this party started.

• •

The dinner goes as normal. There's conversations, laughs, and obviously eating. You barely said anything though, and Louis notices.

Louis: So, how's the loft?

You look up, startled by his sudden question. Clementine hears the exchange as she sits beside you.

You: It's taken care of. I sweep...I clean.

He snorts.

Louis: Really? That's nice.

He then looks at Clementine, then at you.

Louis: And the two of you? Going well, I suppose?

The way he asked that...his tone...made you feel a chill.

You: ...yeah.

Louis nods.

Louis: Secrets and all, huh?

Before you can respond, Louis excuses himself from the table, and leaves the room. You look around the room and see the attendees still conversing and eating. You then look at Clementine.

Clementine: What was that all about?

You hold her hand.

You: I don't know...but it doesn't feel right. I think we should—

Suddenly, your spider sense goes off.


And explosion erupts, and shakes the building.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now