The name sounds familiar, especially the last name. Your high school teacher from a couple years ago, Carlos Castaneda, has a daughter named Sarah. Maybe a coincidence?

The report added how she could be in immediate danger since she was with an unknown subject, and you agree. You had to find her fast before anything can go bad.

• •


You swing down Montgomery Street in the Lower East Side. You've been patrolling East Village and the neighborhoods around it.

You make it to the pier, and see a closed down parking lot. You see a young man near a white Toyota unscrewing the license plate off of it.

Didn't need any more confirmation than that.

You swing over to the parking lot and land on top of the car, startling the man.

Man: Oh shit!

The man pulls out a gun, but you web the hand holding it to the trunk of the car. You kick him in the face, and leap off the car to stand near him. You hold him by the collar.

You: Where's the girl?

The man was scared for his life, like he had seen a ghost. You didn't think you were that scary after almost three years of being Spider-Man.

Man: Look! All I did was drop her off with the others! I'm not with whatever the other guys do!

You were confused, but you needed to know more. You look into the man's eyes and pull him closer.

You: Where'd you take her?

• •

It was the worst case scenario. Human trafficking.

The man told you where she dropped Sarah off, which was at an abandoned recreation center by the shore in Two Bridges. You thanked him by not punching his teeth in and instead webbing him to a streetlight for the police.

You were perched on a building looking across towards the recreation center. You've seen it before, and it's been closed for the last six months.

You see two men outside the in the parking lot beside it, watching the side doors. You were going to deal with them first.

You swing over and immediately land on top of the first guy, knocking him out cold. Before the second man can run back inside, you shoot a web at his back and pull him towards you, kicking him and launching him towards the wall. He's out cold too.

You look up at a grate, and web zip towards it. You enter the recreation center through it, climbing through the air vents and making it inside.

You are on the ceiling, looking down at the run down gym. You see a couple makeshift cages, all containing about three women each.

You: My god...

A group of men are near the bleachers, either talking to each other or looking over their supplies.

Using your earpiece beneath you mask, you phone Captain Grimes. He answers.

Captain Grimes: Hello?

You: Hey, Captain. I got a situation here that you might need to send units too.

Captain Grimes: Really? What's that?

You: Human trafficking. The abandoned recreation center in Two Bridges. I'm going to take it down.

Captain Grimes: Jesus...all right. I'll send Sergeant Hawthorne and her unit. Make sure the victims are safe.

You: Of course.

You hang up.

You were going to take these assholes down. There's no place for this heinous activity.

You: Not in my city...

You drop down onto an unaware trafficker, and knock him out. The others notice and are in shock.

Trafficker: It's Spider-Man!

You web up the second trafficker, and swing him around, launching him towards two other traffickers and knocking them both down.

Another trafficker aims his handgun and shoots two rounds at you, but you dodge to the side and shoot a web at his face. You web zip towards him and knock him out with a strong punch to the jaw.

There is only two left.

One of them runs towards you with a metal pipe, which made you chuckle a bit. He swings, but you grab it and pull it away from him. You snap it in half and land a swift roundhouse kick across his face, knocking him down.

The last guy wanted no part of you. He runs to the door and tries to open it, but can't. You grab him from behind, and throw him to a nearby wall. You web him to it.

Trafficker: Don't hurt me!

You: The web won't dissolve for another three hours. You'll be here until the police come, and you'll explain everything that transpired here.

No witty banter or jokes this time. You wanted to let the guy know that you don't stand for this.

The guy nods, and you walk away. You go towards the cages, and open them. The women thank you for freeing them.

• •

You are perched on the side of the same building as before, looking over at the recreation center. Police cars and ambulances are everywhere as they arrest the traffickers and tend to the victims.

You see Sarah near an ambulance, and not long after you see Carlos Castaneda run up to hug her. Who would've thought you'd one day save the daughter of your junior year Spanish teacher?

You take a breath and think about what had transpired. A simple Amber Alert that lead to busting a trafficking operation. Wow.


You swing away, and start patrolling the city once more. There are surely more things for Spider-Man to do in the city.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now