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"People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for"

- To kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee


Scarlett's pov

He stilled for a moment when I asked the question but his poker face was back in no time.

"If you never wanted me as your husband, why marry me?"
He questioned back without answering my question.

"Ah! Well, ..why do you think I didn't want to marry you?" I asked.

I actually wanted to ask him this before too because he has already mentioned previously too that I didn't want to marry him. It was true but I don't understand how did he know it?

He told me this when we went to ring shopping. I don't want to remember what all he said that day to me but I want to know why he thinks so.

"I heard you talking to yourself the day we met at the café. " He simply said shrugging his shoulders.

"What? How?" I was shocked to hear this.
I remember that day when I wanted to make him back out from the marriage but how did he heard me? I remember he was ten minutes late to the café.

"You asked Maria to tell me you want to meet me at the café at four in the evening but the thing is I was already there due to my meeting with a client. And then I saw you coming inside." He turned around and took a glance at me before turning around and focusing back on the road.

" Actually, to be more specific, I was sitting behind you. I don't know how come you didn't notice me sitting there but I heard everything you told your friends on the phone and how you gave yourself a little pep talk." This time I could see a slightly amused expression on his face.

" It was kind of funny to see you there talking to yourself and the fact that you didn't even notice when I walked past your table, probably too engrossed in giving yourself that little talk."

"What? Then...then how come you entered through the door?" I asked.

He pursed his lips as if to stop himself from smiling, "Because I again entered the café, Triantáfyllo."

It took me a few minutes to process everything. And when I did, the only word, I could utter was ,
"Oh my god!!"

"Oh my god!! That means I made a fool of myself that day in front of you. You already knew what I was going to do and that's why you agreed to my every ridiculous suggestion."
I facepalmed myself.

Oh my god! I'm really soo stupid!

"Don't worry, I still found it cute."

"I don't care if you found it cute or not! I made a fool of myself, like I can't even think about it properly without cringing at myself." I was irritated and embarrassed.

I chose not to say anything now.
But naah, my mouth again spoke without even consenting with me once,
" do accept me as your wife?"

He sighed but didn't answer me.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I asked again.

"I told you not to work too hard, you're only gonna get hurt in the end." He spoke through clenched teeth.

Though I admit his clenched face brought out his structured jaw more and it looked hella handsome and alluring but why is he like this?

"I am going to make you accept me as your wife. Remember it, my sweet hubby." I blew him a flying kiss and then looked out from the window.

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