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You were you,
and I was I;
we were two,
before our time.

I was yours,
before I knew;
and you have always
been mine too.

- Lang Leav

(Do read author's note at the end)

Third person's pov

Mike's words swept the floor beneath Xander's feet. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

His Triantáfyllo would never do such a thing. She's strong and always find solutions to her problems, there's no reason she would try to kill herself.
Xander refused to believe it.

"You're wrong, doctor. My wife would never do that." He coldly answered Mike.

Somehow, this answer provided relief to the doctor. He hated to think that she would ever try to kill herself because of Xander, when he knows how much Xander loves her.

There was only one other option left now. The possibility of which he never wanted to consider. It was perilous, threatening and too dangerous.

But that was the only way left.
The doctor sighed turning his gaze around the hallway before looking back at the stressed out Xander.

"If she didn't try to take her life, there's only one other possibility then...."

Xander waited for Mike to complete his sentence. He needed him to complete because somewhere, somehow, Xander knew what Mike wanted to say.

"Tell me everything." His icy cold whisper could even put ice glaciers to shame.
And Mike knew who ever did that to his wife, would beg for his death once Xander finds him.

Mike gestured him towards a corner in the hallway. They walked silently.

Xander was loosing his patience every second. His jaw was clenched hard with his eyes turning cold each second.

Why won't the doctor tell him what happened straight forward?

"Doctor." He called out turning towards Dr. Mike.
"Why did you think before she tried to kill herself?"

"I will give you all the answers. First listen me out." Mike told me.
He knew Xander was getting annoyed with his answers. But Mike knew too well he couldn't risk spilling everything here, in the hospital's hallway.

"No, I need to know now." Xander grunted out, his eyes hard.
"My wife is there......"
For the first time in his entire life, the billionaire known for his coldness, his heartlessness, for the first time, he had no words. He didn't want to consider the possibility of her being in grave danger.
He didn't want to lose her.

Never will he lose her!

Putting a hand on Xander's hard shoulder, Mike uttered,
"Xander, you need to wait. This is more complicated than I thought."
He took a deep breath before speaking,
"We need a secluded place to talk about this."

His words caught Xander's attention. Immediately turning around to face him, he said quicky,
"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll understand everything once I tell you."

This also must have been the first time Xander ever shouted at Mike.
He was so lost right now, so helpless and so vulnerable, not knowing what to do now.

His TriantafylloWhere stories live. Discover now