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Scarlett frowned. It was an acutely familiar voice but she couldn't just pin point who it was.


It was on the second shout that Scarlett recognised who it was. It was Karla shouting and just when Scarlett was about to turn around to look back, Xander abruptly turned her towards his side, still hugging her when she abruptly looked up at him and saw his face contort into one of pain.

Her heart lurched inside her chest as she moved her head to the side and saw Karla with a huge knife in her hand, the sharp end buried in Xander's back.
A gasp left her mouth as her eyes reared up.

Supporting Xander, she quickly walked and gripped Karla's wrist, "Let. Go."

There was so much anger in her voice, a kind of hatred erupted in her heart that made her want to kill this woman right at the moment.
She hurt her Xander.

Even Karla was shocked for a moment at the intense emotion in Scarlett's eyes. She staggered back a step and in that moment, Cole and others had already reached the place and the men quickly restrained her.

Cole came up to her and Xander. "Sir, you are bleeding so much. We need to go to the hospital soon."

"It's alright." Xander grunted out. "Just take out the knife."

"No!" Scarlett quickly refused him. "You'll get hurt even more. We should go to the hospital. Let the doctor do what is necessary and best."

Xander was still leaning against her, but he didn't look at her. His gaze remained on Cole, daring his subordinate to disobey his order.

Cole almost shivered under his boss's cold gaze. He didn't want to disobey but when the boss's wife herself told him not to.....if he disobeys her, his boss would still punish him, if he does, even then he'll be held responsible. What should he do?

Scarlett stared at the quietly glaring Xander before reaching out her hand to cup his face, forcing him to look at her.
"Xander, you are bleeding! not the time to glare and be a cold boss." Then she turned towards Cole, commanding him, "Let's go to the hospital."

Just as Cole was about to say something, she had already put her hand up, "And don't listen to you." Gesturing to Xander, she let out a hmph.

Cole nodded as a smile formed on his face, almost letting out a small laugh.
Only Lady boss can control our Boss.

Soon, they brought Xander inside the car with Scarlett still supporting him. Maria also came up behind them but Xander simply asked her to go back. After hesitating for a moment, Maria eventually went back and got into her car, driving back.

Karla's screams could still be heard behind. She could have died today from the car crash just now but it seemed as if the god was on her side as only the passenger side got smashed into and the driver side still remained relatively safe which was why she was able to crawl out from it and attack Scarlett.

Xander's fists clenched at her words. He almost shook away Scarlett who was holding him and went out, wanting to strangle that evil woman to death.
But Scarlett's didn't let him. She had firm hold on his arm. "Don't let her get to you. We first need to make sure you're okay. As for her, we can deal with her anytime else. Right now, just for us on yourself."

Her eyes frequently gazed over at his back, at the knife buried in his skin. It hurt her heart so much she wished she was the one who got stabbed. Now she understood that when Xander abruptly turned her around, it was to protect her from Karla's knife or else......

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