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"You've felt it, haven't you? Those feelings that seem to get so big in your chest, like something is so beautiful it aches?"

- Heather Anastasiu, Glitch


After Xander had left the cottage, just then a middle aged man alighted from a black car. He had white streaks in his black hair and his face looked a bit aged but nonetheless, his eyes still looked cheerful and full of life. He was wearing a grey three piece suit with a black tie loosely hanging around his neck.

He walked directly into the living room of the cottage.
Roop saw him and they both smiled at each other.
"You came early, Abhishek." She joked with a small smile playing on her lips.

"I heard what happened out there." Abhishek spoke solemnly. He had a serious expression on his face. He had known her for so long and he also knew that she was not able to let of of Leo's death, she still missed him terribly. But this had been the first time in years, that she had caused an outrage like today.

She did not say anything in reply but just smiled somberly with her hair falling to get sides.
She had her back towards him and turned around to gaze out the window.

Noticing her lack of response, Abhishek knew better than to probe further. So he decided to change the subject.
"That man who just went out. What did he need?"

She did not answer immediately. Instead, she was still lost in her thoughts.
After a few moments, her soft voice was heard in the almost empty living room.

Abhishek also understood what she had said.
"Hope to live?"

"Hope to save."

"We lost him. What will happen to this one?"

Roop knew that this 'him' , he was referring to Leonardo.
She suppressed the sadness in her heart and voiced out.
"Who knows.."

Her gaze then swept past the grey clouds that had quickly gathered in the sky creating a gloomy atmosphere.
She thought in her heart - would he also have the same fate?
She prayed hard.
Please don't let them have same fate. Please the almighty up there, please let them love each other. What's the point of giving them life if you're only going to take their heart away from them?

So please, this time, if you would give them life, don't take their heart. Let them be together.







Xander quickly left from there to the town named Laikos.

Meanwhile in the Stone Hospital, Lucas was still guarding Scarlett's room.
He had just got the message from his subordinate.
'Boss, he's no speaking up.'

It was regarding the man who Lucas had found loitering around Scarlett hospital room before. Eventually, his men had caught him and he was now captured in the basement of one of his houses.

Lucas : 'Make him speak.'

He then put his phone back into his jean pocket. He had just received the news that Xander had left for somewhere but where that ' somewhere ' was, he had no idea.

How could he leave like this when Scar is in this condition?
Lucas chided Xander in his heart.
Hmph! Afterall, he can never love lettie as much as I do. He's just infatuated with her.
Lucas thought in his mind.

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