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"You..." Scarlett gritted her teeth as she asked in a low voice, " someone else?"

Xander stared straight  in her eyes for a moment and seeing the hurt in those dark brown orbs he had come to love, he almost lost it there and wanted to hug her tight, consoling her.
But he steeled himself. No! She deceived me! I can't forgive her so easily!

His eyes turned cold. She needs to feel the hurt I felt.

So he too a casual step foward, leaned down before her and smirked haughtily,
"Ha! The arrogance of a pitiful little creature like you...." His finger grazed against her cheeks and slowly came up to chin but..

"Argh!" He roughly pinched her chin in his hands and pulled her face towards him.
"I would never love you. I could not ever!"

She stared at his eyes, wanting to see the gentle warmth she has been so used to seeing in him, searching for it in now cold and icy darkness of his eyes.

Xander, for the first time, felt a bit unnerved by her stare. It's as if she could see through him, tight his fragilely pieced together pieces and see that he was just broken inside, carrying the cover of coldness as his defence.

This was something he hadn't felt even when he met her in the past. the past, she was too busy. Too busy avoiding her feelings and running from them to ever take a good look at him and see for what he is. But he didn't mind it. There was nothing to mind. After all, he didn't want to show his weak and vulnerable, ugly self to the only woman who had caught his eye.

Even now, he didn't want that. In a instant, he turned his back to her and walked forward a few steps before his condescending voice sounded again in the room, clear in her ears,
"And why would I?"

She looked at his cold back and heard his next piercing words,
"What do you even have worth liking? You are still a student, don't know how to cook, don't know how to even bandage properly, always clinging on to me to protect you! Why would I love you?"

He turned back to question her. His cold intense eyes looked straight at her.
"Have you ever done anything for me?!"

Without even giving her a chance to speak, he interrupted her.
"No! Never! You have always done things only for you! But yeah, one thing you are indeed good at is attracting guys towards like, always willing to help you....tell me, which charm potion have you used on them? To be able to make then strung along towards you like beasts to honey!"

"XANDER STOP IT!" She finally shouted at him.
She didn't want to hear any more hurtful words from him. Just as she was about to walk back to her room, his roar sounded,

His eyes had almost turned red, his fists clenched by his side. He wanted her to fell the same the pain he was feeling, the same heartbreak he was having.

She suddenly halted in her steps at hearing his words.


Her eyes widened, lips trembling as she tried not to turn back and let him see her crying and vulnerable self.
"What...what substitute?" She didn't even have the strength to shout right now. Her hands clenched by her sides, half moons forming on her palm due to the clenching of her fingers with long nails.

But Xander still heard her. A mocking smile came upon his face, he himself was not sure if it was for him or her.
But he still drove the nail ahead,
"A substitute for my Rose. You actually don't know that Triantafyllo means "rose", right? Ha! Of course you won't....So Ms. Scarlett Williams, you were just a substitute for her. I love her....not you!"

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