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You keep a
lot to yourself
because it's
difficult to
find People
who understand.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not" Kat exclaimed.

"You seriously can't be thinking about this. Look, you cannot do it. You don't need to. " She added looking frustrated.

"But ....I need to help those children an.."

She cut me off, " yes, I know and we'll do something about it. We will find some way but you, you listen to me, you can't do that. Marriage is a big thing."

"Exactly, we want you to have a beautiful love story. Fall in love and then get married. You can't marry a stranger."
Kat added .

"Yes, we won't let you do that."

"I can't believe you even thought of such a thing and no matter how good looking, handsome and adonis type he is , you won't marry him"

Kat and Mia both were constantly telling me and trying to convince me not to marry Xander since the moment I told them about my decision.

"Guys" I started with my hands up a little in a gesture to say wait a minute.

"Guys, listen.
First if all, I'm not doing it against my will. I do want to help and if I won't help them, I'd regret it my whole life and be sad about it. Now, you guys don't want that, right? I asked in hopes they'll understand me.

They nodded their heads unsurely.

Also, it's just an arranged marriage. People do it all the time. It's no different."
I tried to assure them.

"But because they are stupid, you are not stupid. You won't do arrange marriage"
Mia again tried to talk me out if it.

"Well, I'm from India. And arrange marriage is common there."
I tried to convince her.

"Well, it's not India. And you have a chance to fall in love and then marry."
Kat gave me  a worried look.

"It's alright guys. Besides, who says I won't have a chance to fall in love.
It's just a matter of few months. I'll be fine.
Nothing's gonna happen." I again tried to assure them.

They still didn't look convince.
I know they didn't like my decision. I know I might be making a mistake. But one thing, I've learnt in life is to take chances, risks , experience everything.

"It's just that Maria wants me to know like .....make Xander stop being a workaholic and it's just a few months I have to be with him. " I explained.

"You are saying few months, have you talked about it to Maria?" Kat asked , this time with a serious expression on her usually smiling face.

I haven't yet talked about it with Maria.
But I'm sure she'll understand.
I just have to make her understand that I can't ever be with her son for real.

Also, she's a sweet lady. Really sweet. Xander isn't even her own son, still she thinks so much about him, she loves him , maybe even more than his real mom might have loved.

This gets me curious about Xander's family. What might would have happened? Maria never talked about his parents, none of his family members, if there are any.
I guess that's not my concern. I shouldn't bother much about it.

"I haven't yet talked to her. But I'll do soon." I answered Kat.

"Well, we just hope you know what you are doing. We are always there for you."
Mia finally said.

I was surprised. Did they really...?
Wow! I really wanted them to be with me in this. I needed my two besties the most.

I immediately jumped on both and hugged them tight.

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