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"Don't...don't laugh at me." Scarlett stuttered but she still laid on the ground.

Raising her hand and putting it on her temples, she rubbed and cried out,
"I'm so weak...ah, I can't even get up now. My legs ache...."

Casting a side glance at Xander, she continued with her acting.
Of course, she came here to do a prank on him.
Hoping to disturb in his meeting and that still can be done.

And yes, she had already confirmed with the head butler that he was not in a very important meeting as Xander had not given any strict instructions to not disturb him. So she felt it was okay.

He's my husband after all.
In this way, she convinced herself.

Anyhow, now she has fallen down.
Hmph! Who said you can't prank after you've fallen on your butt, *cough* *cough* in her case, stomach?

"Ahh...Xander, it hurts...." She pitifully cried out him. Her lips pursed together to give the impression as if she's trying really hard to hold back her tears from dripping down.

Xander, on the other hand, doesn't know if to laugh or help her up. Her acting is so lousy and clumsy. But she looks so cute while doing that.
And of course, the moment he noticed her sneaking around, he already had his attention on her and his heart ached when she fell that he almost got up and rushed towards her.

However, he wanted to see what she was upto. Seeing her take the initiative to approach him, he felt happy inside.

"Ah, my leg!"
She cried out again seeing how Xander just sat there silently.

After noticing his silence and the oh so teeny tiny curve of his lips, she concluded that he must be laughing  at her.

Huh! How could he!

Here, Scarlett felt indignant and on the other hand, the six people in meeting online were dumbfounded except one.

Cole Anderson, Xander's secretary was the only one who knew the reason behind Xander's smile and how his boss's eyes went from being emotionless just now to gentle within a second.

The rest five people had their eyes open wide and mouth agape.
They were stunned to see their boss who was just listening to their presentation with a cold face suddenly had his lips curved into a small smile.

Did sun rise from the west today?
Or is it a hallucination?
How can the boss smile?

And on top of that, within a meeting! While the meeting was still going on!

They felt as if someone had just hammered their head and caused their brain to malfunction.
Were they really not seeing things?

Just then, a voice sounded.
It belonged to a female and from the sound of it, it might be a young woman.

And just at this realisation, they all stiffened.

Xander had been wearing earphones so the employees could not hear what exactly was being said but still a bit of the voice was heard.

They wondered in their hearts....
Did the boss finally get a woman?

Are we going to finally have a boss lady?

They felt so excited just thinking about it!
That's great!
Now the boss will no longer hold meeting and conferences till late at nights and maybe, he'll also go on vacations which will really help them in relaxing a bit at work too.

No could blame them for thinking this way.
Their company was always the top in the country but their boss still made their work like robots everyday and everybody unanimously believed that the boss was doing this only to get rid of his own loneliness.

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