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"I'm in pain because the day is ending and somehow I am never healing."

- Anne Sexton, A Self- Portrait in Letters


"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"

Traces of confusion appeared on Leo's face.
"What does it mean?"

"Hmph! Dumbass! Didn't you study latim in university? So don't you know what it means?" Abhishek harrumphed.

"But it's alright. I'm a generous friend so I'll tell you what it means?"

Leo was stunned. "How shameless can you be? A few seconds ago you were the one with pale face and now look at you...tsk tsk!"

"Whatever! You still don't know what it means whereas I do." The brown eyed man proudly said while tilting his chin forward and pointing towards his chest.

Leo stayed silent this time. Even if I say anything, this stupid idiot will only take up more of my time. Sigh!

Abhishek didn't notice his friend's helpless sigh and continued.
"It's English translation is "The stars incline us, they do not bind us." The phrase means that although fate is determined by stars, gods or something else entirely and it  might nudge us in a certain direction, giving us directions to a certain path and it seems that our fate, our destiny is already bind by some unknown power, it's actually not like that. We are never forced in it, we are never forcefully made to go down that fixed path or compulsorily made to choose something. Free will exists. It's upto us to decide what to do in any circumstance. Our decision is completely our own, no matter what, even fate itself cannot change our decision. It is ultimately our own. We have a choice in everything we do. Like the best example- suicide. People always have a choice in whether they want to keep fighting or give up and end their life. Or a common example in everyday life - we have a choice whether we want to brush our teeth with white toothpaste or red. It means that the toothpaste were given by our fate but how to use them is upto us or even if use them at all or not. Like the problems we have in our life, fate is responsible for them but it is entirely upto us whether we'll let those problems defeat us or we can make them surender to us."

"That was nice. Now how the heck is it related to the magical water?" Leo frowned, looking at his friend in a strange way. He shook his head and sighed.

"Can't you listen to me properly without interrupting once?"

"I am." Leo deadpanned.

"As if!" Abhishek's voice dripped with sarcasm.
"But I'll forgive you once again as I'm such a generous and awesome friend." He fanned himself in a self confident manner.

An urge to roll his eyes appeared within Leo but he controlled himself.
Gritting his teeth, "Abhishek Raj Kapoor, tell me how the heck is it related to the magical water and get lost then."
He spoke each and every word clearly and with significant emphasis.

Abhishek shrunk back his neck in fear.
"Ah... Leo, you're scary. Fine, fine, I'll tell you."

"The magical water has this saying because it also gives us a choice."

"People are not bound to necessarily choose the magical water despite knowing the consequences of what happens after. Now you might be confused, don't worry, I'm here to solve it out. So as I said, the consequences of using magical water, right? "

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