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"Do you want some water?" She asked him while adjusting in her seat.

But he didn't answer.

"Some chips?" She offered but he still didn't say anything.

Scarlett sighed. They were currently going back to the States and after yesterday night, he hasn't talked to her this whole morning. In fact, he had already greeted her parents and gotten ready to board the flight before she even woke up.

If not for her mother waking her up and getting her ready quickly, she might have even missed her flight today.

What she didn't understand was aren't billionaire supposed to have their own private jets or planes? Then why was he sitting with her in the economy class?

Maybe he isn't that rich. It's okay. She answered for her own doubt.

But.....he still wasn't talking to her.

"Xander.." She called his name for the fifth time since boarding the plan when he finally turned to look at her.

Just as she started to feel happy that he still would talk to her, his next words dashed her hopes.

"Where is your uniform?" His deep voice came out with indifference and coldness.

It was her first time seeing him like this, being so cold and indifferent to her. It made her feel a sudden pang of pain in her chest.


"Don't you work as an air hostess here?" Xander stared at her with a raised brow.

Scarlett pursed her lips as realisation of his meaning behind these words set in her mind.
"I'm not an air hostess here! I was just asking you-"

"Exactly. You are not the air hostess here so stop asking me what I want every few minutes." He swiftly answered, cutting her off.

"You!" Scarlett turned her heads to the side, not wanting to look at him anymore and remarked,
"Fine! I also won't talk to you anymore!"

Xander glanced at her from the corner of his eyes before saying coldly, "Great for me."

Scarlett gasped at his answer. "How can you..?!"
Crossing her arms across her chest, she let out a "Hmph!"


They soon reached the States and his secretary, Cole picked them up before driving to the Knight Mansion.

After helping them carry the luggage inside the hall, Cole left soon.

Now, only Scarlett and Xander were left in the huge hall with complete silence in there.
The staff had an off today. Plus, it was already late at night and the staff usually left by this time.

For a moment, neither of them spoke.

Scarlett looked at him but he was not even looking at her. His focus was on something else. Scarlett followed his gaze and it fell on the wooden table in front of them.

She was confused. What has that table done to him that he's glaring so intensely at it?

However, she didn't bother about it much and took a step forward but at the same moment, Xander also walked forward but not towards her, instead his steps were in the direction of his room upstairs.

Afraid that she wouldn't get another chance to talk to him or he might again go on some business trip just to avoid her, she took long strides and grabbed his wrists, stopping him from going any further.
"Xander, are we not going to talk about it?"

He stayed silent but didn't try to get his hand out of her grasp.

Looking at his silence, she bit her lower lip in anxiousness. A weird kind of feeling settled in her stomach, it made her feel queasy as if she might have lost something.
"Xander, please listen to me. I....I am not going to divorce you. I was never going to divorce you. And-"

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