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"The funny thing
about advice us,
we always tell
others the things
we can't really do

- r.m.drake.

Third person's pov

Everyone was shocked after listening to that man address Scarlett as sister.
But she, she recognised him and wide smile crept up on her face on seeing him.

He walked towards her and quickly embraces her in a tight hug.
"I've been looking all over for you for the past few days."
Which was true, he had indeed been trying to find her. He even went to the place where they met but no sign. It was quite difficult, almost impossible to find a person whom you know nothing about.

She also smiled on hearing his words.
"I never thought I would meet you again."

He pulled away to look at her face and whispered, "but we met again. Now first tell me your name. You know how hard it is to try to find a person without any name, nothing."

Both Xander and Nicole couldn't make sense of what was happening.
If she's his sister then what name? Why would he ask that?
Aren't they already supposed to know each other's names?

"Ohh." Scar laughed out.
"It's Scarlett. Scarlett Williams Knight." She proudly told her name and looked at Xander.
Taking Xander's hand in hers, she spoke with warmth,
"And this..." Giving a cute smile to the hunk who's hand was in hers, she added
"Is my husband."

And just like that, the other man's smile vanished away.
Instead, a frown found the place on his handsome face.

" are" Taking a deep breath to compose himself, he again started,
"You are married to him?" He sneered at the last word.

Scar furrowed her brows and looked at him in confusion.
"Yes, he is my husband. Now, tell me your name."

"Elray." Xander answered for the man who called his wife 'sister'.

"Elray woods." The man in the question specified for himself shooting a glare in Xander's direction.

"And I'm his wife." Again came the whiny voice of Nicole.
She stepped closer to Elray and Wrapped her arm around him.
But her eyes, her greedy, lust filled eyes were still on Xander.

And Xander's eyes were on his Triantáfyllo.

"Oh." On hearing Nicole's words, Scar looked at Elray, feeling bad for him.
She clearly remembered their conversation in the club that day.

Flashback starts

A man was sitting alone at the counter of the bar with a bottle of whiskey sitting beside his hand on the table.
His hand clutched the glass cup so hard that it broke into pieces and some shards got into his hands but he still didn't flinch even a little.

It's like he was somewhere else, his mind was somewhere else and Scar noticed this. She also noticed the blood tripping down his fingers.

She got up from where she was sitting and went towards the man.
The man was not in his conscious, that much was clear from his hooded eyes and seemingly numb body.

So she turned towards the bartender and told him not to pour him more whiskey.
"Do not give him anymore. Have you seen him? His state? He doesn't know what he's doing and this much liquor is not good for him."

On hearing her sweet voice, the man's head snapped up at her.
The first thought that cane into his mind was 'innocent'.

She was innocent. Much too innocent for this cruel world.
He looked around and saw many guys in the club had their eyes on her.
The one bulky man sitting beside them was  rubbing his lips looking at the sweet beauty.

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