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On this side, Xander quickly asked his men to throw Nicole out before he went and looked for Scarlett. Just before he walked out, Cole returned to him, it was clear he ran as he panted hard. "I'm sorry Boss." He knew he had messed up when he went and checked that the security of the building has been breached, especially the top floor where Xander's office was.

Xander only glared at him with his icy eyes before he left, saying coldly, "I want the details when I come back."

Cole nodded with heads bowed and only sighed in relief when Xander had walked away for his sight.
His boss is truly scary with angry.

Xander came downstairs looking for her, he checked all the routes to go out but couldn't see her anywhere, no matter how or where he looked, he wasn't able to find her.

Suddenly, he remembered she went to the main control room.

It was only after checking the cctv, he realised she had already gone out of the building.

So he took his private elevator and went down,

All along, there was only one thought known his mind, only one scene of her tear falling down her cheek just minutes before.
He didn't realise that she would bump into such a scene today.

Just a few minutes ago, He was actually coming out of his office to meet her personally when somehow Nicole suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed his hand.
He shook her hand away and took out his sanitised napkin to wipe his hand when he heard her start speaking, calling him baby and so on.
He already felt so disgusted by her touch and how her voice too...

But before he was able to call his men to take her away, he suddenly heard a sound from the corner and looked.

What he saw there broke his heart. His triantafyllo was bending down to pick up the fallen lunch box. His heart ached at the sight. His feet automatically moved and the next thing he knew, he was standing in front of her. He wanted to help her but his resolve to hurt her made him stop.

Yes, it's not that he forgave her for deceiving him.,,,but just that night, he got carried away by his feelings.
That's why instead of triantafyllo, he called her by her name.

But his heart broke even more when he saw her evasive manner, trying to get away from him and that tear that made its way down her cheek.
He felt as if someone had splashed a buckler of ice cold water on him in that moment.
Was he the reason for her tear?

He wanted but before he could, she had ex airway turned away from him and walked out.

Just then. Nicole made her presence known. He felt disgusted enough to kill her then and then but.....

If not for wanting to know who was the mastermind behind these sisters, he would have killed her already, plus, she knew about "Rose". No one in their right mind would just call themselves rose as an endearment. If she only wanted to create a misunderstanding, she could have also used any others plenty available endearments but why rose?


What Xander didn't know was that Nicole only used Rose because Berham had told her that Xander used to have a lover who is now dead and that he had always called his lover as "Rose". So she had only referred to herself as "Rose" in order to stimulate his emotions and who knows, his stimulated self might benefit her. It was what she thought. Plus, she also only called him baby because honestly, calling Xander Knight by his name actually in front of him made her scared. She has heard of his cruel and merciless ways from Berham and those terrified her. So she randomly chose to call him baby.
But these two things actually worked out in her front. A perfect misunderstanding was created between Xander and Scarlett which she didn't expect. She only came today to get Xander's attention on her but still benefitted in the end. Now, she only needs Talia to make Scarlett believe more in the misunderstanding and soon, she would be out of the picture and then....

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