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"" Xander stuttered, looking at me in disbelief.

He probably stuttered for the second time, I guess for the first time was when I told him I would never love him. Yeah, I do remember his every expression, no reason why but his every expression is already imprinted on my heart.

"What are you saying? Why now, triantafyllo?" His voice trembled a little, as if the string that he was holding onto for his dear life was about to snap anytime soon.

I just averted my eyes, not wanting to look at him because of I did, I might just end up spilling out the truth and then.....

No, so many lives are at risk. I catch do this now. Besides, that recording.....even if it was only for revenge, even if he still exposed her in the end but still, it must mean that they had slept together though. I can't ignore that. However, I also know I have no right to question him. Am I not leaving hik now? So it doesn't really matter if that recording was a lie or the truth.

"Didn't we promise to be together? Didn't you say you wanted to give this marriage a chance? Give us a chance? What happened now?"

"Well, when you are playing the role, you need to know how to play the role. I can't act out in between now." Letting out a deliberate sigh, I turned to the side and looked out the huge floor to ceiling glass window. The dark clouds were gathering in the sky as a misty smell spread through the air.

"Playing the role?"

I could feel him coming up behind me but after a few steps he stopped.

"I don't believe you! Just tell me if I did something wrong but please....please don't go like this."

"You did nothing wrong, Xander. It's just that the time is up now. And I have to leave." My voice almost choked up. Feeling my eyes watering, I blinked them a few times.

"No!" He came from behind and hugged me, caging me in his strong embrace, his arms bound my own as he nuzzled his nose against the side of my neck, leaving a slight ticklish feeling, "Even if the time is up, you don't have to leave. You want money? You can have it! You want house; car, anything and you can have it. I'll give it you! Please don't leave, Triantafyllo." His muffled voice sounded in my ears.

I don't want that. What I want is the safety of the people I love.

Swallowing dry saliva, I reached out my hands towards his to pull his arms away from my body but he didn't budge. Pursing my lips tightly at the failed attempt, I shut my eyes close, stopping the tears from rolling down. "Listen Xander, I know what you might be feeling think about it, we were just strangers before getting married and now I admit I did have some good feelings towards you and you did too. But you'll like the other person naturally if you live with them and in our case for a whole year! That's a long time."
I smiled a little and tilted my head to looked at his buried face against my neck.
Just that glance of his side face made my breath hitch. How will I ever be able to forget you?


"I heard you had a lover named "Rose" and-" I could feel his body stiffening against mine. However, I still continued, "...and that night too, you told me I was substitute for her...."
My words stopped abruptly. I couldn't bring myself to say another word without gasping in hurt. I was hurting too as much as he might be.
But, isn't it true that he did betray me? That I was truly a substitute for his lover?

This thought suddenly enraged me and I pushed against his back. When he didn't budge again, I uttered the words that I knew would make him falter.
"I have someone else now."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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