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"Every night I tell the stars a story about this lovely person I can't get off my mind - they want to meet you too."

- s.s. (stephenstilwell)

Third person's pov

"The moon and the stars tried their best, but I couldn't look away from you."

Putting the soft black pen down, he tenderly placed the gold trimmed paper note with the others on the nightstand beside her bed.

Maybe she cannot read those notes yet but he still continued their tradition. To him, it was a tradition of his love.

He has been the one putting notes on her bedside table each morning before she woke up.
He doesn't know if she read those or not but he still continued.

The only time there were no notes were the one month he had spent in Germany right after their wedding and the one month he still very much regrets.

"Please, wake up soon, love. I am here waiting for you." His dark eyes softly gazed over her unconscious figure.

"I love you, my rose."
Clutching her hands tightly in his, he whispered the words to her before lightly placing his lips on her much pale hands.

Her body has lost its colour. And he isn't able to do anything for her.

"You know, Triantáfyllo, I have so many things to tell you, to share with you. But I don't know what to start with. You remember on that day of Uncle Raj's daughter, Maya's wedding, you got jealous on seeing me with some other woman. I like to believe you got jealous. It felt so good to be the centre of your attention. I had intended to talk to you that day and ask if you willingly wanted to marry me but never got the chance to do that and here we are."

"It might seem strange but our engagement day was the only day I wore some other colour than black. Couples match their dresses and I thought to do the same."
Smiling softly, he remembered that day.

But soon a frown formed on his face and he licked his lower lips slightly before speaking in his husky voice.
"That day you got hurt. Maybe that should've been my first sign to not marry you and put you in danger but I was selfish, my Triantáfyllo and I still am. I couldn't let you go nor pull myself away from you. I tried to do that, I really did but the more I pulled myself away, the more destiny pushed me towards you, the more my heart craved you. That night I was reminded of the cruel truth that I should not, I cannot have you, that I'll only end up putting your life in danger but still my heart wanted to fight to have you in my life so that's what I did."

"You thought I cheated on you on our wedding night but I didn't, my love. But I also didn't clear your doubt and let it grow. I thought it was the best way for us to stay at distance. I believed it was best if you hated me but I was wrong. I could not have ever stood you hating me. I don't ever want to see the look of hurt, betrayal and sadness in your eyes."

Caressing her hair softly, he quietly placed kisses all over her hand again.
"Whatever you believe, just know one thing that Xander Knight is nothing without his Triantáfyllo, his Scarlett."

This was the first time he openly took her name and the sad thing, she wasn't awake to hear him yet.

"Yes, and Xander Knight is also stinky." Ryan joked, entering the room.

He had seen and heard what all Xander had said to her and he had already known it. Everything leaving his mouth was true.

Such a beautiful love. Then why are you testing them again and again, god?!
That was his thought on seeing Xander caring for Scarlett.

His TriantafylloWhere stories live. Discover now