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The huge gates of the college building stood open on both sides as the rush of the students could be easily seen going inside and some were also coming out.

As it was her first day, she chose to skip the first two morning classes and attend the classes starting from ten, first which is of world economics.

Although, she really liked economics, today was just not the day to like it. She had been feeling weird stares the moment she stepped inside.

Mia and Kat both didn't know that she was coming today. She wanted it to be a surprise so thought of surprising them during break around twelve.

Hmm. It's alright. Just two classes before I meet my besties!
She's really happy on meeting them again. Although, they have been in touch through calls and texts but still meeting in person is a different feel.

However, she hasn't yet told them about the attack on them in India during their date.
She felt really sad about that. Their whole Valentine Week was ruined. It seemed as if whenever there was something to be happy about in their lives, one or the other thing just had to happen. And it also wasn't a good thing happening. It just always have to be some kind of bad or negative event and she hated it.

It seemed as if god was playing with them and laughing at them up from heaven, chuckling like,
Hehe! Go on date more! Go enjoy! I'm here to ruin everything. Don't worry! Go on! Quick, go and have fun and there I'll come! Haha.

"Ughh, I know god would definitely not think like that. But....can you please put a bit of your kripadrishti here?" She mumbled slightly as she looked at sky above her head, hoping her wish would reach the god up there.

As an Indian, she had always been a believer of god and it being a secular country meaning everyone is free to profess and propagate any religion, she had always seen every religion as equal and went to many events of different religions. That's the thing about India. It has unity in diversity.

So anyhow, god have always been like a friend to her and many wishes of her had indeed come true.

That counts for something, no?

Whatever, it's better I quickly go to class.
However, the more she walked inside, towards her class, the more blatant the stares became.
Why are they all whispering? And....looking at me with such a gaze?

She tried to smile as usual looking at a few familiar faces, however, except one or two which gave an awkward tilt of their lips in return, the others all turned their heads the moment she looked at them.

She felt awkward, odd, strange and embarrassed. Yes, embarrassed.
What exactly happened? She murmured in her heart.

Not to brag but being one of the most beautiful girls in the college, her confidence came naturally and these people have always greeted her with a warm smile, no matter what they said behind her back.

But this time...?
Why would they all show such blatant contempt and disdain?
Yes, contempt and disdain as if she has done something horrible and detestable!

She felt confused, however, not paying them much attention, she quickly walked towards the business department.

However, she had just reached the corridor beside the stairs, when something like a cold liquid was splashed on her.

Her breath hitched as the cold liquid hit her face. It had already been an extremely chilly day in the winters and now this!

Closing her eyes, her teeth clenched, she slowly took a deep breath to calm herself down.
Taking a handkerchief out of her new Chanel bag which was placed there in her wardrobe in the mansion for god knows how long, her hands reached out to wipe away the traces of cola from on her face.

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