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Xander, on the other hand got another set of photos on the day he was heading set to leave for States.
He was in a good mood today sat finally completing the work and going back to see his triantafyllo.

Would she be happy to see me?
He wondered while rubbing his hands while his secretary was getting done with some last minute preparations when suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Probably too excited to go back, Xander went downstairs to open the door and standing there was a thin middle aged man with an envelope in his hand and a booklet in his other.

"Are you Mr. Xander Knight?"

"Yes, I am." Xander nodded.

"This package is for you. Please sigh here." The delivery man showed the space in booklet for Xander to sign.

However, Xander was confused.
"I haven't ordered anything."

"Oh, some person sent it for you then likely." The man answered in an obvious manner, probably annoyed at working so early in the morning.

"Hmm." Xander nodded and took the envelope after signing his name on the booklet.

Closing the door, he looked down at he white envelope in his hands and somehow, a strange ominous premonition pervaded his being as he stared at the piece of paper.

"Why...?" Sighing, he decided to just open the envelope after going in his study but not before texting his secretary to reach the airport after settling the formalities and there was no need for the secretary to pick him up before as Xander was planning to drive there on his own.


"Now, let's open this."

Cutting through the parcel, he pulled out a white rectangular paper box with nothing written on it, no name, no address, infact even on the envelope, no information was mentioned.

It's quite clear that this was done deliberately and that the other person obviously wants to stay anonymous.

However, as he picked up the white paper box, his heart stared feeling a bit it was giving a warning to not open the box.

But still, the paper box had to be opened, Xander can't just let it stay like this.

But it turned out that it would have better to listen to his heart and not open the white box.
As he looked inside and took out another stack of photographs, his hands almost trembled and the box was about to fall out of his hands.

And this time, the photos succeeded in driving a knife through his heart.
They were, as expected of Scarlett and Lucas. He wanted to ignore these again as after talking to his triantafyllo for a week and exchanging texts often, almost every night, he decided to not believe these photos and just ask her after he goes home.

He had also prepared a surprise for her after taking Ryan's advice - to just tell her how he feels and then wait for her to slowly fall in love with him.

It's not like you can't wait.
And Ryan was right, Xander can wait, wait for days, months and even years. He can wait for a lifetime as long as she stays with him.

But....after getting such photos a week before he came here, shook his heart and mind and he couldn't decide anything, so he came here, away from her.

His surprise was almost all prepared, just a few things were left and he was thinking of completing them when he reach back home., he doesn't know what to anymore.

The photos contained Scarlett and Lucas, with Lucas's arms around her waist as they seems to be dancing at sone club, another of Scarlett in Lucas's arms as they exit the club, and the few others were of Lucas holding Scarlett as he came down the car and Scarlett sleeping peacefully in his arms.

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