Vol 9 Chap 299 - Stop taking my wife away!

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I heard many countries went back to lockdown >.<  My country is in half lockdown state.... the cases soar so high! Everyone, take care of yourself! 

XH 299 - Stop taking my wife away!

Xiao Liu finally tied the carriage to his two horses and started setting off back to the Guilin Kingdom. San Sheng seated beside Xiao Liu at the rider's seat and his years of training did not embarrass himself when the horse flew at their fastest speed under the order of their master.

Despite the speed faster was than a bullet train, the inside of the carriage was as calm as if they were in a different space. Xiao Hua gave up looking out of the window with the purpose to enjoy the scenery when she could only see blur images that made her head dizzy just to squint at them.

"After I died and went back against time..." Long Zhu's words successfully grabbed Xiao Hua's attention, which made his job in easing Xiao Hua's swollen eye bags easier. Continuing to lightly rub his red jade thumb ring with special constitution against the swollen area, he continues on, "I plan to unite the Four Kingdoms together and have one of us four to be the ruler."

His plan was not known to anyone but himself, but he suspected his inner maids have some inkling on it, which he did not clarify or stop their wild guesses. His inner maids were not so foolish to exposed their guesses to others.

"There were times where my desire for power would lead me to aim to conquer the Four Kingdoms and be the ruler. But most of the time, another side of me that wishes for a peaceful life just wanted to run away from everything and hide in a simple village to live out the rest of my life. Two contradicting sides and desire, yet I could not deny them of their right to desire so."

"... Do you still want to unite the Four Kingdoms?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Four Kingdoms with Four Emperors is still a better choice." When he finally discovered the truth of why the Four Kingdoms could not become one nation, he could only laugh at his own idiocy and praised himself for not revealing his ideals to his fellow time traveller, saving his own face.

"Qiang Laohu, Lord Mingzhu, Feng Jiu, and Heise are all competent rulers. None of them are better than the others."

Xiao Hua smiled. "Four Kingdoms being friendly with each other is also good. To have four brains instead of one is always better too."

Even if Le XiaoTing never liked having her university assignments as group work. There was always one or two that were rotten eggs that never do their part! When she graduated and enter workforce, she was disappointed to discovered that group work was mostly the same even if she was in different place.

Long Zhu laughed lightly and rubbed her cheeks that were still as fleshy as two years ago, just that her chin looked sharper and longer, revealing her maturing beauty. Like always, Xiao Hua always seeks which side he leaned on first before voicing out her support that was coincidentally on his side, as if she had always been thinking so.

His gently swaying flower that follows the wind's direction.

The Four Kingdom will record today's event in their history book, except for the location of the Gate. Everyone was in the agreement that the location should be kept secret in case there was another lunatic like Shen Ruyi that wanted to open the Gate and release chaos into the world. Only the Emperors and the next in line to the throne will be allowed to know about the secret record that includes the location of the Gate, in case anything happens in the future.

When they finally returned home, Xiao Hua and Long Zhu tacitly agreed that they would head straight to bed and sleep off their exhaustion as long as they wanted to. The servants were all ordered to refuse all guests that came to their doors.

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