Vol 6 Chap 183

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As predicted, as soon as she returned, the first place Tian Chi went was Doctor Bai's courtyard to meet the Third Prince. Following her was Yang Ling and Jing Ke.

Long Zhu send someone to notify his grandfather and teacher as they were involved with the topic of discussion. It was his teacher’s idea to search for the gate first and his grandfather supported it. 

The news from the trio was not life-threatening or urgent, so it could be postponed to later. As etiquette was strict in the matter that during meal times, no one was allowed to talk, so the discussion will have to be postponed again to after dinner. If they truly decided to discuss while dining, Long Zhu could expect that no one would be able to eat peacefully. 

Surprisingly, Long Zhu mercilessly kicked the silent Jing Ke and the noisy Yang Ling that had been complaining about his sore body from the travel since his arrival, to go away to have their own meal.

Yang Ling switched the topic of the complaint to Long Zhu's stinginess and became more vocal when he saw the delicious dishes that were carried into the room by Tian Chi and kitchen staff.

All the while, Xiao Hua did not speak, content with allowing her curiosity to control her eyes to follow after the figure of Jing Ke with the white mask. She was still a little scared of the simple yet eerie mask, but her curiosity helps to increase her bravery.

"Jing Ke used to be a handsome man, but an unfortunate tragedy scared his face," The Third Prince unexpectedly said.

Xiao Hua: ‘...’ Your honesty did lessen my curiosity quite a bit, but your words should not be said right in front of the sensitive subject!

Xiao Hua was afraid to even look at Jing Ke! Oh, silly her, she could not even look at his expression that was hidden under his mask anyway!

To her horror, Yang Ling decided to voice out what he thinks of it. "Yeah, Jing Ke in the past is a dashing man that many ladies fell for. Tsk, tsk, even his married status did not deter those hungry ladies! But the very same ladies quickly ran away when he turned into a very ugly man. If not for the great and talented Doctor Bai taking pity on him, he will have to continue staying as an ugly man!"

Unable to resist, Xiao Hua turned to look at Jing Ke in dread. She jolted in shock when his eyes, who should be staring at the people that were talking bad about him, was actually staring at her instead!

Xiao Hua: Waaaaaah! I'm just an innocent passerby ah!!! Σ(°△°|||)︴


"No!" Xiao Hua hastily declined and waved a palm. "I have never expressed interest in what lies behind your mask, Lord Jing Ke."

She naively assumed that she had hidden all her interest away and pushed the fault to the Third Prince and Yang Ling, but her poker face was about the same level as the Eighth Prince. Both of their facial expressions were like an open book, truly threaten other people’s good conscience to not trick them!

"Jing Ke won’t mind letting you look!" Yang Ling said carelessly.

Xiao Hua: Of course you can say that! That’s not your face to begin with!

"No, truly, I can survive without seeing Lord Jing Ke’s face." Xiao Hua flinched, feeling that her words were rather harsh. "It will be inappropriate for an engaged lady to look at other males."

From what she could smell from Jing Ke in the past, she had an inkling that his skin must be badly burned to still have the smell of smoke coming from him. There was certainly no need to add more nightmares! She doubted that Doctor Bai could truly gave him a new face that could pass as a natural born face. 

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