Vol 8 Chap 257 - It's for Yu Zheng?

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XH 257 - It's for Yu Zheng?

"What is she doing here?" Xiao Hua hissed fearfully, the hairs on her skin stood upright. She had managed to slide along the walls to reach Da Bei and the Rubik Cube's side, further away from the emerging portal.

"Her ears aren't here yet, so she can't hear you." The Rubik Cube could see that the demon's portal was not the type where she could peek in or listen through it. It's only purpose was for traveling. "I've slowed down the portal for now but it won't last long!"

The system had sent a distress call to his host, but does not know when Bai Chuan would return to help them! In the past, it was proud of its host for being dedicated to his job, but now, it slightly hoped its host would not ignore his adopted daughter's safety for his job.

The Rubik cube was distressed!

Da Bei stood in front of Xiao Hua and growled at the deadly pale hand that was very slowly emerging from the portal.

This very scene reminded Xiao Hua of Sadako crawling out of the TV.

"No, Da Bei. It won't taste good at all." Xiao Hua shakes her head in negative, as well as shaking the horrifying image from her mind. Her face paled when the Sadako image in her mind was replaced with the imagination of Da Bei ripping the pale hand off with his sharp teeth. "I... I can chop it off instead..."

"Wait, don't! What if you angered her and she became more aggressive? I won't be able to hold her back then!" The system stopped her quickly.

Xiao Hua gripped onto her whip tightly. "Then what? Are we just going to watch until she finishes crossing the portal? We will die!"

Da Bei stopped growling and looked disgruntled, before turning into his adult human form. The Rubik cube went still as it swears Da Bei was looking straight at it!

The white Rubik cube quickly calmed itself down, as it was impossible for Da Bei to be able to see it. He was the fated residence of this world and not like Xiao Hua the transmigrated soul which allowed her to see it.

Not even the strongest shaman or physic had ever noticed it-

"Hide Xiao Hua's presence."

No, it was not mistaken... HE'S REALLY LOOKING AT ME!!! 〣( ºΔº )〣

"Da... Da Bei? You want me to hide my presence? Sorry, but I don't know how to do that yet." Xiao Hua laughed awkwardly, trying to act normal, but her tone sounded far from it.

She could see that Da Bei was looking straight at the system. Not to its' left or to its' right!

Since he was able to notice the system the first time they met, he might be able to do it again by hearing the sound of the humming machine, not that Xiao Hua could hear anything.

Just how sharp were Da Bei's ears?

But that was not her concern now. She was anxious that Da Bei's memory would need to be wiped again after learning of the system's existence! Xiao Hua regretted talking to the system when Da Bei was around!

"This thing... could hide your presence." Da Bei said with certainty as he continued staring at the system's direction. He had seen Xiao Hua asking that thing he could not see or hear to help make her invisible a few times to avoid Ming Yue.

"It's useless. That demon already knows she's here anyway! And maybe the demon is actually here for my host and has locked down on this place's location!" The system flew around in a circle, beeping in distraught.

"Da Bei, that's the spirit of Bai land," Xiao Hua suddenly said very earnestly towards Da Bei. Her expression was serious and her tone was calm without any fluctuation that betrayed her lie.

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