Vol 8 Chap 272 - Tasted Human Flesh

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XH 272 - Tasted Human Flesh

By the time Long Zhu arrived at the palace, still donning in his wedding attire, the attack was already over and everyone was in the rush to handle the aftermath.

But the aftermath was even more difficult to deal with!
The center of the attack was the 20th Emperor’s residence. The previously grand building had disappeared, likely to be eaten away by the black mist, where not even a floor tile was left behind. There was not even a patch of green grass that could be seen. The ground was completely black, looking sinister as if something that should not be alive was growing, spreading like a plague.
“This is…” Heise stared at the dark ground in shock and disgust.
“This is the work of the demon,” Long Zhu informed, as he had seen the demon’s attack before.
“Fuck!” Heise stopped a guard and asked, “Where are the 19th Emperor and the others?”
“Reporting to Your Majesty, the 20th Emperor is injured and currently at the Princess’ courtyard with the Princess and Doctor Bai. Empress Dowager is with the 19th Emperor, passing out orders."

It was not only the 20th Emperor injured. There were many nearby servants and guards that got injured as well. 
After dismissing the guard, they hurried to Long Lian’s courtyard. Prince Heng went to join the 19th Emperor instead since he was not a doctor.  
In one of the bedrooms, Doctor Bai was tending to the 20th Emperor’s wound. There were few black spots scattered all over the 20th Emperor’s body, but the largest spot was at the center of his chest, looking ominous.
Sitting beside the bedridden 20th Emperor was Long Lian, dressed in her nightwear with pale face and fearful expression. “Doctor Bai, w-will Imperial Father…". 

She was unable to finish her sentence, fear that her words would act as a curse and sentence her father to death.
Doctor Bai’s expression showed he was not optimistic either. The attack had specifically targeted his heart. “I have done my best to slow down the corroding, but it won’t be long before it spreads everywhere.” He noticed Long Zhu heading towards them with a grim expression. “We will need Xiao Hua’s tea.”
“She is currently brewing them.”
“It would be quicker for Xiao Hua to enter the palace and brew them on the spot,” Doctor Bai said after he caught on that Xiao Hua was not with them.
But Long Zhu refused. “The palace might be under attack again and it would be dangerous if anything happens to her. Our manor should be safe from being targeted.”
“I will send more servants to carry them over,” Heise said.
Doctor Bai sighed. “It will take too much time to transport them over.”

Unfortunately, Yu Zheng was not around for them to use his portal. Immediately after the demon attacked, Yu Zheng started tracing them back, leaving the injured to Bai Chuan's hands.

After watching the frowning and sweating 20th Emperor in his unconscious state, Heise agreed with his uncle that he was useless here. He left to join the other brainers, leaving Long Zhu behind to help the wounded as best as he could.
They could not deal with their injuries without Xiao Hua’s tea, but they could buy some time before the tea arrived. Most of the injured were the servants. The guards got injured mostly to protect the 20th Emperor and the Empress Dowager from the spreading black mist.
No matter how great a person's pain tolerance was, they would still break down from the intense pain with their face full of tears and sweat. It was mentally and physically torturous to be able to feel their flesh slowly being eaten away by the black mist!
Not a strategist, Long Lian stayed behind to help her third brother to carry things. Since he wanted to know how their father got injured, she explained as they worked. “I was about to head to bed when I heard screams coming from the Imperial Mother's bedchamber.”
Tonight was a tiring but happy day, so Long Lian decided to sleepover at the Empress Dowager’s courtyard. As the 20th Emperor no longer ruled the Kingdom, he emptied out his courtyard for the next Emperor to stay, only for Heise to reject. Heise prefers to stay at his original courtyard, already used to the place, and familiar with it. He felt safer that way.
However, the 20th Emperor did not continue staying at his previous courtyard despite Heise had let it go. Instead, he packed all his stuff and moved to his principal wife’s courtyard, his face thick enough to squeeze into the Empress Dowager’s bed. Much to everyone’s surprise, the Empress Dowager allowed her husband to share a courtyard but threw him in a room beside hers.  
After hearing the screams, Long Lian hurried over with Tang Mei, only to see the Empress Dowager get flung out far away by the 20th Emperor. That was how the 20th Emperor got injured badly, unable to protect himself as he chose to protect his wife.
Unfortunately, the nanny that was taking care of their youngest sibling could not get away quickly and both got injured. Doctor Bai had put the Ninth Prince to sleep so that he would not feel the pain.
Long Lian felt helpless facing the injured people, and could only help her brother do temporary aid. 
When someone announced that Xiao Hua’s tea was here, Long Lian felt as if someone had announced that God had descended to the human realm to help them.
Armed to teeth, General Tang, the Minister of Defence, marched into the meeting room and reported, “The medicine sent by the Third Princess Consort is working.”
The heavy boulder pressing onto Heise’s heart was finally lifted. “Give priority to the 20th Emperor. We want to confirm the identity of the attacker and the purpose of this attack. Imperial Father will likely know something.”
“Understood! The recovered guards will be joining the patrol as well.”
“Your Majesty!” A guard called from outside, disturbing the meeting. “There’s an urgent report!"
“What is it?” Heise questioned with a frown. He knew this guard would not be bringing him good news.
The guard cupped his fist in greeting after stepping into the room. “There are attacks in two major streets! It’s the same black mist that attacked the palace!”
“Raise the emergency alarm! Send every available guard to evacuate everyone to the safe place prepared!” Heise ordered quickly. “I also want to know the source of it!”

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