Vol 9 Chap 295 - Xiao Hua, tea, tea, tea!

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XH 295 - Xiao Hua, tea, tea, tea!

Luckily for everyone, although the green alien-looking plant has a high destructive attack, it has a very short life span. After taking down a great number of green soldiers, it began to show signs of aging, with its previous healthy green shade now yellowish.

As if it was contaminated by a serious illness, it quickly died off after that. It fell to the ground like limp seaweed, twitched around for a few seconds before it no longer moved.

Heise and Long Yuen were certainly relieved that the helpful but headache inducing living weapon wisely died off by itself!

As the gate had already been sealed, Qiang Laohu no longer saved up his energy. Each of his punches was packed with powerful spiritual energy, causing large holes appearing on the green soldiers' bodies. He does not care that his unrestrained moves filled with raw power would injure his body.

As a leader, he knew his soldiers were struggling and trying their best to hold on against the strong green soldiers. They were tired, so what was the meaning for him holding back his strength now that he no longer needed to?

He needed to stand up and show everyone their hard work was not wasted!

Fortunately, everyone's mind was still strong. They knew that they would get to rest after the green soldiers were completely dealt with and their vigor returned. They were suddenly brimming with newfound energy as they charged forward with their weapons, fighting alongside Qiang Laohu that was as fierce as a tiger!

Kill them all and they can finally rest!

Xiao Hua and Long Zhu arrived just in time to witness the gigantic gate closed in a loud and final 'click', before disappearing from view.

Someone let out a loud yell filled with abundant relief, which quickly echoed by others. They managed to stop the apocalypse and won the war! They were still alive!

Today, their eyes finally got the chance to witness the existence of the large gate and demons, as well as the Celestial Beasts from the legend. Everyone here finally knew that the legend passed down by their ancestors about the four Celestial Beasts were true.

Xiao Hua's mood was affected by the cries of happiness and joyous cheers around her. Some were even crying, unknown whether they were happy or sad. Her heart thumped like a little drum and her mouth could not stop grinning at their victory. Even Long Zhu smiled alongside her, basking in the mood and watched the soldiers hugging each other, not caring whether it was an uncomfortable act or not.

They just wanted to share the joy of being alive with their breathing comrades... before mourning for their fallen comrades.

"Your Majesty!" Heng Xin immediately reunited with his master with misty eyes that could not conceal his worry.

"Ah! They did not go away!" Someone shouted and ruined the potential touching scene.

Some demons had managed to slip past the gate before it got closed. They were like souls, except they were red and black colour, very much like a sinister evil spirit in appearance.

"How do we kill it?!" The soldiers tried to attack with any weapons they had, even blasting them with their spiritual energy but none of them worked.

"One of them disappeared- Argh!"

One of the demons suddenly slipped its corporal form into a soldier and successfully possessed the body. Grinning gleefully, the possessed soldier started killing anyone around him.

The number of demons managed to enter the human realm was less than ten, but their strength was enough for them to rule the world comfortably. It was their golden chance when they were able to enter the Human realm instead of their other kin. The opportunities demons had already planned to absorb all the energy to strengthen themselves. The leftovers will be given to their kin that will step into the Human realm in the distant future.

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