Vol 8 Chap 251 - Weaker than the male lead

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XH 251 - Weaker than the male lead

For the green soldiers to be brought out, it was certainly to allow Liu Chu Chu to overturn the result of the battle to her side. It would be even better if the perfected green soldiers were able to kill Long Lian and Feng Jiu!

The perfect green soldiers have tough skin that Long Lian's flame arrows could not pierce them. It was so tough that it was her arrows that broke instead. Feng Jiu's flame birds could do better, but the damages they dealt was not enough to bring down the painless green soldiers.

They were unlike the previously imperfect soldiers that could be handled by Duan XiYing and Doctor Bai!

"Let me try it!" A huge man with ripped muscles entered the battlefield and jumped onto one of the green soldiers. His tiger skin coat gave an illusion that it was his own skin as he fought, like a fierce tiger in a hunt along with his fierce aura.

"Don't be reckless, Qiang!" Feng Jiu cried out when the green soldiers swarmed around Qiang Laohu, blocking their view of him. She immediately formed a few firebirds to support him.

Gu Wenjing's brow knitted as he saw the blood on the man's fur clothing. He could smell familiar poison from the blood, which belonged to his clansmen. This tiger man must have fought with his clansmen!

He brought thirty of his clansmen, and it was impossible for them all to be dead! Gu Wenjing believed that some of them must have escaped.

Gu Wenjing watched as the tiger man used pure strength to break his green soldier's limps, only that his soldier did not feel pain. It took some time and energy for the tiger guy to deal with a green soldier until the corpse could no longer move.

Qiang Laohu may be strong, a sixth rank cultivator, but even he will have difficulty in dealing with numerous green soldiers. "Bloody shit! If only White Tiger was here!"

The fifth rank cultivator Feng Jiu smiled helplessly after hearing that. She had also hoped the Vermillion Bird was here to lend her some strength, but it was needed to protect the real baby phoenix in its lair. As for the White Tiger celestial beast, it refused to enter another celestial beast's territory, claiming that it was rude.

Qiang Laohu nearly went ballistic hearing that.

When the strongest fighter in the team started complaining, the weakest person in the team had already long started doing so! As a third rank cultivator, Long Lian had a hard time dealing with even one of the green soldiers! Her contracted beast may have the ability to shapeshift into a strong beast such as phoenix, but its strength was only one-tenth compared to the real beast!

"Feng Jiu, circle them to one spot. I will use my 《Tiger's roar》!" Qiang Laohu had to use his special technique when he got injured way too much than acceptable.

Gu Wenjing's sharp ears overheard their plan and a sense of panic filled his heart, even when he did not know what the tiger man would be doing. He does not know if their plan would work, but his instinct told him he should not stay to see!

"Chu Chu, we need to escape before the green soldiers could no longer hold on!"

Liu Chu Chu had more than fifty green soldiers inside her space and only thirty-five released out in the battle. She has no guilt in turning fifty living people into mindless soldiers, as they were either bandit, criminals, or slaves she had brought.

Her only regret was not making more green soldiers for this outing! She should also have tried to make bombs and guns even without basic knowledge, but it was rather late for regrets. Once she has gotten out of her alive, she will certainly create strong weapons!

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