Vol 8 Chap 250 - A baby phoenix

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XH 250 - A baby phoenix

"King! We just passed Zhu Que's east border!" A Gu Dan soldier reported.

"Head straight to the location!" Gu Wenjing ordered. "Stay on guard!"

The reason their arrival had not set off any alarms was due to the high-grade illusionary array on their flying device. Anyone that spotted them will not suspect it as anything but a flying beast.

No one would be so free as to fight against a flying beast of that size, except for their personal motive.

"Danger!" A soldier yelled, his warning came too late for their right wing was immediately shot by a cannonball!

"Dodge them!" Gu Wenjing shouted as more cannonballs hurled towards their vehicle! The border guards between the West and North of Zhu Que Kingdom have sharp eyes and able to spot the flying beasts' irregularity!

"Go straight to the phoenix's location at full speed!" Liu Chu Chu injected. Their makeshift flying vehicle could not dodge all the cannonballs. They might as well go full speed and race ahead of the cannonballs!

"Full speed!" Gu Wenjing echoed, and the soldiers shouted in agreement. He hugged Liu Chu Chu in his embrace as their flying vehicle started to speed up, but the broken right wing caused the vehicle to tilt to aside.

It was a difficult ride. Hopefully, they could arrive at their destination before it completely breaks down. Luckily, the cannonballs could only launch at a certain distance and they were saved.

Thanks to one of the Gu Dan soldier's sharp eyesight, they quickly found the area of the location.

"Prepare enough array to soften our landing!" Gu Wenjing ordered and the flying device crash-landed at an area with softer ground that will work well with the arrays to cushion their fall.

They could have found the wrong cave, if not for Gu Wenjing being a cautious and detailed person. After all, his whole country was targeted by the Four Kingdoms. He would have long died if he was not careful.

"This is it."

They stopped before a large cave, the mountain rock as red as the autumn leaves. Liu Chu Chu resisted the urge to run into the cave, and let the soldiers go in first to survey the area.

It felt like hours before they returned. "We...We saw something we think is a phoenix! A baby phoenix!"

Disregarding her image, Liu Chu Chu quickly ran into the cave, and for the first time, was able to ignore the painful tug on her torso from her large movement.

"Chu Chu, don't force yourself to run. The phoenix will not get away." Gu Wenjing followed Liu Chu Chu closely behind with a concerned expression.

After knowing her cure was within reach, how could Liu Chu Chu remain calm? She wanted to get rid of the hideous and painful wound on her chest! Thankfully, the deep cut had stopped bleeding, but no matter how much high-grade medicine she ate, they could not heal the wound!

Liu Chu Chu forces herself to cultivate and break past the fourth rank, but it only helps her to withstand a certain degree of pain. There was no sign of the whip wound healing at all!

The constant pain and despair after testing different medicine nearly drove Liu Chu Chu insane. It was thanks to Gu Wenjing and Fu Chou that she remained sane, albeit more short-tempered than usual.

She lost count of how many times she cursed the tea girl to death!

They do not have to walk too deep into the cave to encounter the baby phoenix. Its bright red body trembled in fear as its eyes stared at the strangers like it was a weak prey facing the terrible hunters.

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