053. day walker

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Bonnie suddenly opened the curtain, causing Caroline to shriek. The rays of light were shining on Caroline, and nothing was happening, indicating that the magic had worked. "It worked."

"What if it hadn't Bonnie?!"

Bonnie then closed the grimoire and looked to Stefan before saying, "She's all yours."

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Caroline and Stefan were in the woods, as Stefan was teaching the new vampire how to hunt.

"So what I do when I see the rabbit?" Caroline asked, as Stefan turned to her. "Chase it, catch it, feed on it." He answered. Caroline shook her head in disgust, "Isn't killing cute defenseless animals the first step in becoming a serial killer?" She asked. "Well, you sort of skipped the serial killer and went straight to vampire. Caroline, if you're not serious about all of this I think you should tell me." Stefan insisted

Caroline sighed, "No I am. Look, I swear that I am okay? But it's just...I haven't been in the sun for days and everyone is at the swimming hole having fun and Matt is there! And he finally told me that he loved me but I have been blowing him off. Lexa has weirdly been on my mind a lot too- and now you want me to eat bunnies and I'm kind of freaking out okay?!" She blurted, causing Stefan to break out into laughter.

Caroline just deadpanned the Salvatore, "And now you're laughing at me." She crossed her arms, annoyed. "No, no, I'm not laughing. None of this is funny, trust me. It's just that..." Stefan trailed off as Caroline snapped. "What?!"

"When someone becomes a vampire, all of their natural behaviors get sort of amplified." Stefan explained as Caroline looked a little puzzled, "What do you mean?" She then asked. "I mean...as a human I cared deeply for people, how they felt. If they were hurting I felt their pain and I felt guilty if I was the one who caused it and as a vampire all of that got...magnified." He explained.

Caroline groaned, "So you're saying that now I'm basically an insecure, neurotic control freak...on crack?" He asked. "And not only am I in love with Matt but I'm really starting to question my feelings for my very best friend." She huffed. "Well, I wasn't gonna say it like that but..." Stefan trailed off. "What do you mean you're questioning your feelings for your Lexa?" The vampire suddenly asked.

Caroline tried not to blush as she looked away, "I am straight- I swear! But ever since I turned.. I can't get Lexa out of my mind." She confessed. "It's weird, we have always just been best friends.. but now I'm wondering if I feel more for her than what a best friend would.." Caroline admitted before she faced Stefan. "You can not tell anybody that! Especially not Lexa! God this is so weird." She ordered.

"Hey, listen, I won't tell anybody especially not Lexa. She should be hearing this from you, not me. But for the record, it isn't weird. Love is love, and if you really think that you might fancy Lexa, constantly telling yourself that you're straight is not ever going to give you the chance to try and find out." He spoke as Caroline was listening intently, before she gave a nod.

"Let's hunt okay? And then after that we'll go to the swimming hole." Stefan said as Caroline smiled brightly now, "Really?" She asked. Stefan nodded, "Yeah. Matt is one of the closest connections that you have to your humanity and I think that being around him is a good thing." Stefan decided. "Okay." The Forbes smiled.

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"Well well well, it has been a while, sissy." Katherine spoke, as she strutted over to Natasha, her arms crossed. "Over a century, actually." Natasha spoke, her usual chirpy tone was instead cold.

"What did you call me here for? Did you want a little family reunion?" Katherine asked. Natasha laughed, "No actually, I want to kill you. You just walked into my trap." She said cheerfully. "What?" Katherine asked.

Suddenly, a needle filled with vervain was stabbed into Katherine's arm, as Lexa, who had been standing behind the doppelgänger cloaked, reappeared.

"I need to write that cloaking spell down." Lexa insisted, before looking down at Katherine's limp body. "Now what?" She asked her doppelgänger. "Now we are going to lock her into a coffin and drop her at the bottom of a river." Natasha declared.

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Natasha 🤝 Giorgia 🤝 Bonnie 🤝 Elena
Shipping Lexa & Caroline 🥰

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