111. gone girl

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Allira Lockwood and Ava Meyer were dead

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Allira Lockwood and Ava Meyer were dead.

Currently, Sienna wore a black dress as she approached her half sisters bedroom. Astrid sat facing her mirror as tears streamed down her face.

"Hey." Sienna greeted, as Astrid turned around to face the Lockwood, tears rushing down her face. "I can't do this, Cece. I can't do this without her." Astrid managed to say.

"I can't imagine how hard this must be." Sienna spoke, taking a seat beside Astrid. "If you don't think you can go, I'm sure Lydia would be happy to read your part for you. Or I would." The Lockwood began, "I also think that Ava would love for you to be there... but obviously, it is up to you."

Astrid nodded, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "I can't feel her, Sienna... I just... I can't feel her and I hate it." She admitted, her voice cracking.

Tears formed in Sienna's eyes, as she reached out and placed her hand atop Astrid's. "It's not very comparable but... when Tyler turned into a hybrid I also could no longer feel him." Sienna began to explain. "It made me feel so alone... more alone than ever."

"But I tried to focus on who was around me and present in my life... and I began to realise that I truly wasn't alone. Neither are you, Ast." Sienna reassured her, as Astrid gave her a weak smile.

Truthfully, both girls knew that once their protected was to die they lose their guardian powers. Sienna had made peace with it, but Astrid was going to struggle. It meant she was only human, and in her eyes she failed her life purpose of protecting her sister. Sienna didn't dare tell her that, not while she was feeling so broken.

"I think I'll do it... I'll come today." Astrid decided as Sienna nodded. "Okay, I'll wait downstairs for you." The Lockwood replied before she got to her feet.

━━━━━ ⋆⋅♥︎⋅⋆ ━━━━━

Giorgia stood downstairs, waiting for the others to join her. Elena and Carmen entered the kitchen, seeing the Garcia. "Where's Jeremy?" Gigi asked as Elena shook her head, "He doesn't want to come down."

Giorgia frowned, "I'll go and talk to him." She decided, hoping to convince him to go. And if he didn't want to, well the Garcia would stay home with him as she didn't want Jeremy to be alone as he'd just lost his friend and crush.

As Giorgia ascended the stairs, Carmen seemed lost in thought. Elena glanced over at her, "What is it?" She asked before the ravenette looked up at her.

"Do you... really think that Lexa did this?" Carmen asked, almost reluctantly. Sienna had told the Gilbert residence that herself and Astrid saw Lexa kill Allira and Ava before suddenly disappearing, but the roommates hadn't spoken about it.

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