[SeungJin] Wish I was...

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A/N: ANGST! WITH HAPPY ENDING! Even I cried while writing this.
Umm tw // implied cheating?
Its not really cheating... if I say more its gonna be spoilers... lets just begin


Seungmin smiled sadly as he gazed out of the window. They were on break, A lot of his classmates had already left the room. And yet he's still here watching the soccer players do their routine.

His boyfriend Hyunjin is one of them. He can't really see which one is his boyfriend since its far enough that he's able to see if there were people.

"Seungmin?" He looks at the owner of the voice and sees his bestfriend Felix.

"Let's go?" Seungmin nods and grabs his wallet, not saying anything if Felix noticed the sadness behind hid smile.

As they walk through the corridors to the cafeteria a girl walks by him. He recognizes her.

"No wonder... she's really pretty..." he whispers.

"Seungmin? Did you say something?"

Seungmin smiles and shakes his head, "It's nothing."

His hands that were hidden inside the hoodies pockets clenched. He lets out a quiet sigh and puts on a convincing smile as he was greeted by Jisung and Minho.


Seungmin sat at the stands waiting for Hyunjin. His eyes only following Hyunjin. Hyunjin's hair is tied into a little pony tail. A few stray hair framing his face beautifully.

He stands there one foot stepping on the ball as he gives out commands. His muddy but the large number 22 on his back still visible.

Then he sees her. Black hair tied into a high ponytail. He watches as Hyunjin runs to her quickly. Eyes disappearing as he laughs at something she said.

Seungmin tries to stop the tears from falling out of his eyes and stands up to go to the vending machine near.

He lets his head lean on the glass of the vending machine as he waited for his drink. He takes a deep breath and takes the drink.

Banana Milk...

Seungmin sighs again and walks slowly back to the stands. She was already gone. Hyunjin sat at the place where his sat not long ago. His clothes already clean and hair from his shower.

How long was he gone?

Hyunjin notices him and waves, already taking Seungmin's things with him before making his way to Seungmin.

He stops a few feet away from him scans him up and down before nodding, "You really look better in my hoodies."

Seungmin smiles and offers another banana milk which he bought for Hyunjin.

He steals a glance at Hyunjin who was chugging down the milk.



"I love you."

Hyunjin stops walking and smiles at him. He grabs Seungmin's arms and dives for the latters lips, keeping their lips together for a few seconds before whispering, "I love you too."


The next time he sees her, was in a joint cooking class. They were partnered together. She introduced herself as Yeji.

The more he knows her during that class the more he dies inside. How can he hate her when she's such an angel?

Seungmin smiles when Yeji asked if he was alright.

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